The Ring

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"This is all your fault." Rose hissed.

She held on tightly to her broom handle, her knuckles white. To her annoyance, beside her was an upright broom swished happily on it's own accord; thanks to a quietly muttered spell from Scorpius, who refused to tell her what it was.

She swept up the remains of the Puffapod, whilst professor Longbottom, as well as the rest of Hogwarts, ate lunch.

"Really Weasley?" Scorpius muttered under his breath, his body draped elegantly on a chair,

"Because it certainly wasn't my elbow that knocked the Puffapod over."

Rose exhaled loudly, the mysterious ring bumping against her hip, hidden safely in her pocket; beneath her robes.

The two continued to bicker furiously, Rose throwing sharp words like darts, and Scorpius's angular face was the dartboard.

Neither seemed to have noticed Professor Longbottom enter the greenhouse, a faintly amused expression on his face, watching his two most mature and intelligent students prattle on like four year-olds.

He loudly cleared his throat, and their squabbling immediately halted; two faces turned sheepishly towards him.

A broom clattered to the floor behind Scorpius.

"You've done a nice job cleaning the greenhouse up." He said carefully, eyeing the piles of yellow pollen behind the pair.

"Though I'm still very disappointed in both of you. Rose, I expected you at least would know how hard these plants were to find."

Rose's face went downcast, and her heart sunk as Longbottom went on,

"These Puffapods have come exclusively from Greece, and the patch we discovered dated back to hundreds, if not thousands of years ago!"

Rose dipped her fingers into her robe, fingering the ring she had found curiously.

Scorpius glanced at her hand, his eyes narrowing.

"Is that all, Professor Longbottom?" He asked, hurriedly.

"We both truly apologise for being bad in class today. All the pollen is gone, and there still is a chance to eat some lunch before our next class. Really, we both are so, so sorry."

Longbottom raised his eyebrows suspiciously, but there was none of the sarcastic drawl that would occasionally linger in Malfoy's voice. Before Rose could speak up and complain, Scorpius grabbed her shoulder , steering her away from the Professor and out of Greenhouse 3.

Rose WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now