Fire Meets Ice

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Her wand shook  in her grasp, as she padded across the corridor filled with puddles of light. The only sound she could hear was her own heavy breathing, and her heart drumming against her chest. She could barely feel her legs, but out of sheer adrenaline, and, unfortunately, stubbornness, she continued on.
The beast roamed at the end of the corridor.
The Chimaera trotted back and forth, shaking it's mane. The monster was terrifying, a mangled creature, the head of a lion, tail of a dragon.

Body of a goat.

Only one person had successfully killed a Chimaera, and he didn't even survive that long, because the idiot fell off his winged horse and died right afterwards.

Rose shivered. Pushing her shoulders forward, she lifted her foot up, preparing to take just one more step.

Just one more, to see the beautiful, deadly creature. Then she would sprint, run, stumble away from a death that would await her with open arms if she took any longer, and more steps.

She inched forward.

She felt her foot connect against a loose tile.




Her body flew to the floor, her whole body stinging with pain. A ghastly thump echoed across the room.

Rose spat out a curse, pushing herself up, listening for the Chimaera. Her eyes met darkness, and her heart drummed violently.

A low snarl.

An invisible force swiped at Rose, claws hitting her face, throwing her back down. Blood splattered the tiles, and as she tried to get up again, another paw swiped at her other side, and she collapsed.

She screamed in frustration.

Pulling herself up, she whipped her wand out, shrieking obscenities curses rather than spells. Finally, a spell left her mouth, hitting the Chimaera that was hiding under the protection of the dark.

A small grin danced across her face, before the beast padded towards her once again.

Rose screamed, but out of fear this time, rather than anger.

The Chimaera was at least triple her height, large paws the size of boulders, thick, shiny obsidian claws gleaming menacingly. A serpent tail whipped behind the itself, scales rippling and gleaming, a faint emerald green colour, swishing quickly and suddenly.

She was on her knees, crawling, mouth gaping and choking with blood, her owns blood. Tears and the thick red liquid slid down her face, dripping onto the floor.

Paintings, her hands groped a wall, she slowly pulled herself up.

Turning her head, her eyes locked with a scaly tail, speeding towards her, slapping her body against the wall.


A spell, some angry murmuring. Was she moving? She couldn't tell. All she knew that pain ricocheted across every inch of her body. Pain, more pain. Something creaked open, but Rose couldn't tell if it was a door, or each of her bones simultaneously cracking.
Pain, searing pain, ripping through her muscles, the pain was like a weight, crushing her. Killing her.

Roses eyes blinked open, a damp cloth on top of her head, layers of blankets covering her like a woolly nest. Her vision was blurry, a distant outline of someone stepping towards her.

"Your awake then." It was a boy's voice, familiar, but unknown.

It bugged her.

Fuzzy Outlines became clearer, and the person turned around, tending to something, and his silvery blonde hair caught her eye.


He turned around cautiously.

"That's my name."

Rose WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now