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My mother was ranting at me in Spanish again over the print on my t-shirt. Apparently it wasn't appropriate to wear in front of a child Ruby's age, but my argument was that I'd been wearing a jacket any time I was anywhere close to my daughter.

"Cálmate," I told her to calm down, brushing my hand over the 'Don't Be A Prick' cactus logo on the chest of my top, "she hasn't noticed."

She continued to tell me, in Spanish, that just because Ruby hadn't noticed yet that it didn't mean she wouldn't. I ignored her.

Ruby had gone straight to the sofa like she always did, flicking through the TV channels next to Dad to find something more entertaining to watch than Escape to the Country. She was chatting away to her grandad about the puppy again and how excited she was, even though I still hadn't told her we were getting one. I pretended not to be listening to it and instead went to the bathroom.

On my return Ruby and Dad hadn't moved an inch, and Mum was hanging laundry up in the garden while it was warm enough.

"Dad, can you come into the garage for half a day tomorrow while I take Ruby to the dentist?"

He turned over his shoulder to look at me as I sat down at the dining table. "Sure. That with the new bloke?"

I shook my head. "No. Fortunately he'll be collecting his car at the same time. We're seeing Dr. Wade."

"Oh right. What was wrong with the car?"

"Faulty front arm."

"Range Rover?"

I nodded, and shoved a grape into my mouth from the punnet in the centre of the table.

"Abuelo, do you like the name Bongo?" Ruby asked.

"What for, poppet?"

"For my puppy!"

I turned away again, hiding my face. I was never going to hear the end of it. Apparently my mother had noticed the confused look on Dad's face when she returned inside, because she came straight to me.

"¿De qué está hablando?" She asked what Ruby was talking about.

"Ella quiere un cachorro para su cumpleaños." I muttered her desire for a puppy.

"¿Que clase?"

I sighed. "A Great Dane."

My mother laughed hysterically and patted my shoulder. "Is she serious about it?"

"Desgraciadamente." Unfortunately.

She gave a short giggle. "She doesn't want a party?"

"I wish she wanted a party. I tried that angle and she still insisted she'd rather me use the money that would go to a party towards a puppy."

My mother hummed, contemplative, and then summoned my dad. "Dave, ven aquí."

He finished what he was saying to Ruby before he stood up and joined us. The rest of the conversation was spoken in whispered Spanish.

"Ruby wants a puppy for her birthday." My mum said.

"Well, I gathered that, Daniela. I just can't figure out why on Earth she'd want to call it Bongo."

"She wants a blue Great Dane." I said.

"Bloody hell! They're gigantic!"

"I know this, but she won't shut up about it and if I don't turn up with one on her birthday it'll break her heart."

"I was thinking..." my mother started, a delicate tone about her, "maybe we could contribute."

"Mamá, no seas ridícula!" I hissed. "They're nearly £3000, we can't afford that!"

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