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Even though it had only been three days I was nervous to see Harry again - that nervousness that came with the prospect of a new relationship, though. Not the other, generalised type of nerves. I didn't have anxiety belly or a disposition. I was excited more than anything.

I was cleaning the kitchen after dinner when he finally arrived to collect his child. I looked at the clock on the wall when the door knocked and thought it a little odd that he was an hour late - usually I was the tardy one (thanks for the English lesson, Darren). I left the towel on the oven handle and went to answer the door.

"Sorry I'm late." Harry said immediately. "I called a patient about a gingival graft and immediately regretted it."

I blinked. Did he expect me to know what that was? "That's okay. I'm late all the time."

"Has he been alright?"

"Yeah, fine. Same as always." I laughed awkwardly.

Harry smiled, his gaze studious. "Are you alright?"

I nodded. "Just fine. Are you?"

"Marvellous now."

I felt the blush creeping up on me. "Good. Do you... want to come in for a tea?"

Harry bit away a smirk. "Why did you ask that as if you don't really want me to?"

I took a deep breath and looked towards the ceiling. "I do want you to come inside. However, Ruby is currently on some weird anti-male campaign and I'm worried if she sees you in the house she'll think something is going on."

"Something is going on, Floss."

"No, I know." I groaned. "Sorry, I'm being a twat."

"Tell you what... I'll pass on the tea this time around, and I'll text you later instead."

"That's not the same thing."

He rolled his eyes at me. "Where is Ruby now?"


"Good, so she won't have a clue if I do..." He stepped inside the door, ushering me backwards just enough so that he could close it behind him, but that we weren't visible to the rest of the house. Then he kissed me. Just once, very politely, on the lips. "That."

My entire face was on fire. "Right."

I peered into the house to see if by some freaky inconvenience she'd appeared to judge me, but there were no children in sight. I could hear them playing upstairs.

While I had the opportunity, I kissed Harry back. Harder. That kiss was different from all others before, because we felt as if we were being naughty - like teenagers in a school corridor during lesson time. It felt dangerous.

He held onto me as I did him, his hands against my back under my t-shirt and my hands holding his face. My tongue was in his mouth, mint the primary flavour, and his nose was pushed into my cheek. It was messy. More messy than it needed to be, yet I felt it could be messier. I wanted him on the floor with his fingers inside of me.

I was startled by my own thoughts and immediately pulled away.

"No," Harry whined, chasing after me.

"Yes." I retorted, pushing at his face and then readjusting my t-shirt. "Oscar, Daddy's here!" I called up the stairs, wiping said father's saliva off my face at the same time.

Harry made a guttural noise. "That's a dangerous word."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said, forcing a calm smile when I turned back to him.

Floss // A Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now