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We had a few more drinks at The Swan before we called it a night, but at Harry's house a raucous and carnal adventure began. It started in the hallway as soon as the door was closed, and reached its magnificent end on his sofa in the living room. We never stopped on our journey, even if we were not moving - the desire we had for one another just did not cease, a feat that used up every last ounce of energy until I was settled on top of him, his skin tacky and sticking to mine in every place it could find.

The room was hot, as were we, with every possible window opened to let in as much fresh air as we could, even though it was humid and uncomfortable. Somehow, it didn't matter to me. I was blissfully unaware of the temperature and the state it brought my physical being to while I was with this man.

I was unabashedly staring at him, using my fingers to travel the lines of his beautiful face. He seemed content - he was looking at me with this tiny smile, his eyes moving over my own face while his fingers drew pictures on my naked back. I wasn't paying attention to what he was drawing, nor did it even occur to me that I maybe should have been. If he was trying to play a silly little game, it was the last thing on my mind.

"Estoy obsesionada con tu cara." I'm obsessed with your face, I whispered as my index finger brushed over his lips.

He seemed to take a deep breath, and his lips pulled upwards further. Around his exhale, he said, "No se que dijiste." I don't know what you said.

I pulled back a little, failing to hide my glee. "Muy bueno. ¿Quien te enseñó eso?"

Harry gave a small grunt. "Don't push your luck."

I giggled. "I said very good, where did you learn that?"

He gave an understanding hum. "That's a secret. What did you say before that?"

"That's also a secret." I said, and pressed my lips tightly together.

"But now you've got two secrets and I've only got one."

"Harry, los secretos no deberían ser como el dinero."

He tipped his head with a frown.

"Secrets shouldn't be used like money. It's how problems start."

He took another deep breath and nodded, stroking his hands up and down my back. "I see what you mean."

"You do?"

"I do. Secrets can be transactional which, while when they're little like ours can be irrelevant, it can also lead to trust issues and overreaction."

"Right, yeah." Why did he have to talk in riddles? "I think our secrets should be our own, and if one day we want to share them with each other we can, and if we don't we shouldn't have to."

"Is this your way of cementing that you won't ever tell me about the incident at the dentist?"

"Maybe." I muttered. "But it also means you don't have to tell me if you're learning Spanish from a less reliable source than me."

"What if it was your mother?"

"Then you'd be in good hands. Although I will admit I'd be jealous of you spending time with my mother over me."

Harry cackled, squeezing my body tighter to his. "I have to admire your honesty, Floss."

I watched him for a minute with a scrutinising look. "Is it my mother...?"

"No tienes que preocuparte." You don't need to worry, he said as he poked my nose, but he said it in such a way that made me suspicious it still could be my mother.

Floss // A Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now