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Ruby was very quiet with me for that whole following week. I was somewhat offended, considering I wasn't the one who'd challenged her on her opinions of the not-so-new dad in town. I was hoping that perhaps she'd change her mind about how she was feeling after the dressing-down from her abuela, but I knew that was optimistic of me. The only way Ruby would be changing her opinion was if it came from her own volition. She really was Latina in that way.

She spent most of her time in her room when we were at home, and I could never really hear much from her. Every time I went to put her to bed she was already in it and fast asleep, or if I went to check on her she would just mumble something incoherent and turn away from me.

It all escalated again on Tuesday.

I had to cancel my lunch date with Harry because I had too much to do and not enough time to do it. Unusually I was the first one to the school to pick Ruby up. I think that was a combination of both manic clock-watching to make sure I left on time and trying to get into my daughter's good books.

Geri arrived shortly afterwards and started talking about Friday.

"We'll be there straight after work, mate, don't worry." I said calmly, Geri thinking Zara and I had forgotten. Well, Zara might have done, but I hadn't.

"Okay, good. 'Cause I've bought a fuck load of alcohol and I intend to drink it. Preferably with the two of you, but I will do it alone if I have to."

I gave Geri a concerned look. I hadn't forgotten the conversation I'd overheard between her and Owen at Ruby's birthday party. That felt like a lifetime ago, but it was there, in the back of my mind. Something else must've happened. "I promise you we'll be there. Can't have you drinking alone on a Friday night."

"Well, you do it all the time."

How rude.

In the next minute Harry's car pulled in, and I tried my best not to behave like a teenage girl at the sight of her crush walking down the corridor. Geri was talking about my Friday nights and how dull they must be with Ruby at my parents and being alone in my home. I couldn't wait to shatter that little imaginary scenario when I told her about Harry. I could tell my friends about him - that didn't bother me at all.

When Harry approached us he stood on my right, and I felt him brush his finger along a short length of my arm. My hairs stood on end as he did and I tried not to shiver.

"Harry, will you tell Floss here that it's not healthy to spend Friday nights alone every week." Geri demanded.

I scowled at her, and then turned my attention to the dentist.

He looked at me with a kind of charged smile. "Geri's right - that's not healthy."

"Thank you, Harry."

"How I spend my Friday nights is nobody's business." I retorted.

"Well, you're welcome at my house anytime, Floss."

I whipped my head around and glared at him. He seemed perfectly at ease and it irked me. Were we children now? Why was I being teased? Why was Harry joining in?

Milly appeared in front of us then, and there were no other children even on the playground or remotely visible anywhere. How was she always the first one out the doors? Did she teleport here?

"Hello, darling." Geri said breathlessly.

"Hi." Milly smiled.

"Ready to go?"

She nodded, and so Geri took her hand and started walking away. "I'll see you on Friday night, Florence!"

I rolled my eyes and gave her an irritated wave. Harry started giggling, so I smacked his arm.

Floss // A Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now