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On Friday evening I closed the garage up early and drove down to Cornwall to see Ruby and my parents for the weekend. I knew I was being optimistic thinking I'd make it there in 3 and a half hours like Google Maps said it would take. No journey is that simple on a Friday night, and especially not on the last weekend of Whitsun.

I left at 4:30 and I didn't get there until much past 9pm. There'd been a road closure between Bibury and the motorway. There was an accident on the M5 to literally no one's surprise. There was another road closure as soon as I got past Exeter, and then I got lost between there and Perranporth. I was irritable and tired when I walked through the door.

"Mummy!" Ruby shouted excitedly as soon as the door was open.

"Hola, querida," I greeted her through a strained voice, letting Bongo off his lead to run riot around the van. I was past the point of caring.

She leapt towards me to give me a squeezing hug, but irritation aside I was happy to see her again. "What are you doing here?!"

"I missed you too much."

She pinched my cheek with all her fingers like she used to when she was tiny, and I held her to me as tightly as possible.

"How was the journey, poppet?" Dad asked once Ruby was safely back on the floor.

I grunted. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Have you eaten?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Didn't want to stop."

My mother kissed her teeth and stood from her place on the sofa in the window. "I'll make you some cheese on toast. Won't do you any good to eat too much now."

"Gracias, Mamá." I sighed, kissing her cheek as she passed me. "We're going to bed as soon as I've eaten, alright?" I said to Ruby. "It's very late."

"That's okay. I'm tired." She said in a passive tone, and went to sit on the sofa next to Dad and Bongo.

I carried my suitcase through to the second bedroom, which was harder to locate than I thought it would be. The caravan was long and had the living area and kitchen at the front, with two bedrooms and a full bathroom at the back. All the furnishings and decor were beige and grey. It felt clinically clean, even with my parents and my daughter in it.

Without unpacking I wandered back into the living room and sat down longways along the sofa so that my feet were up and I was facing the TV. Ruby didn't hesitate to come and situate herself between my legs, resting her head on my chest. By the time I'd finished the cheese on toast my mother made for me, Ruby was already asleep. I spent half an hour combing my hands through her soft hair.

"Te ves bronceada, Florence." You look tanned, my mother said in a near-whisper. "¿Has estado arreglando autos afuera?" Have you been fixing cars outside?

I chuckled. "No."

Mum grunted. "Have you seen the girls much with all your free time this week?"

"Not really. Geri has been away all week in Spain and Zara went on holiday on Wednesday, so I've been alone."

"Have you really been alone or are you just saying that?"

My gaze snapped to my mother, horrified. "What?"

She laughed under her breath to not wake Ruby. "I birthed you - I know you."

Dad suddenly heaved, shaking his head as he stood up. "This is where I call it a night."

I frowned as he left a kiss to the top of my head.

"Night, Floss. Nice to have you here."

I stared after him as he wandered down the corridor to the room he and Mum had claimed. "Is he alright?" I asked once the bedroom door was closed.

Floss // A Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now