Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

THE boy's breath hitched as he let out a sharp cry, his head turning to the side.

Pain jolted up his cheek and he closed his eyes, tears already streaming down his face despite many attempts from him to hold them back.

"W-Why? Why is everything I do never enough for you two?! I tried everything to make you proud of me-"

"Proud of you?" His father scoffed, his hands turning into fists as a sign of anger. " Please. Every kid is out there making their parents proud by taking care of their studies and getting a good job. But you..." he shook his head and eyed his son in pure disgust, "you let go of your studies so you can be one of those stupid idols. Not only that, but you get people to believe that you're a slutty bully and that you sleep around with everyone so you and your stupid group get what you want."

The son shook his head, more tears pouring down his face.

"You know that's not true!"

The mother shook her head and bit her lower lip, then raised her hand to strike her son against his other cheek.

He let out a sharp, broken gasp and shut his eyes close.

"Then please enlighten me as to why we had to find a wife for you outside of Korea and paid a lot of money so you can get married to her? Because you're too good for Korean women? No! It's because everyone heard about the rumors circling you and they know better than to get married to you. Because you're a slut."

He was not a slut.

Neither a bully.

How dare they believe the rumors made about him?

How dare they not support his dream and come to his performance like every other parent did to their child?

He shook his head, his eyebrows knotted together in internal anger and heartbreak.

They were his parents.

Why didn't they love him?

"You brought shame to the family every where you go because of something you know you did," he shook his head at that, his gaze never leaving the floor, "so don't come crying to us when someone points their finger at you and whisper exactly what people whisper about us, about how we raised a slut that bullies people."

Deciding that he couldn't take it anymore, he hurried towards the front door and twisted the doorknob. He got out of the door and shut it behind him, then allowed the violent sobs he was holding in to escape, his voice trembling as he weakly covered his mouth.

"Don't you dare step foot into this house as long as we're alive. You hear me, Hwang Hyunjin?" His father yelled from the other side of the door, making him shake his head and cry harder.

He knew damn well he wouldn't come to that house again. He didn't have to be told twice.

He soon gathered his courage and took a few steps away from the gigantic house, his mouth still covered with his hands to silence his heartbroken sobs.

All he wanted to do at that moment was to go back home and hug his wife as tightly as he could, then thank her for her love and support until the day he died.

He reached with his trembling hand to wipe away the tears that poured rapidly down his face. His breaths came out loud and shaky, making him realize that he couldn't breathe because of how much he was crying.

He stopped his speedy walk and made an attempt to inhale. It came out shaky and loud once again. He covered his mouth and closed his eyes, tears running down his face.

He was almost close to the bus station.

He knew that he should've called his wife to come pick him up.

But the last thing he wanted was to disturb her and make her leave her job. And he didn't want to see the heartbroken look over her face as she saw him like that.

He made his way towards the entrance of a dark, abandoned alleyway.

But stopped in his tracks as soon as his ears caught the soft thuds of footsteps inching towards him.

He turned around almost immediately, expecting to see no one but his imagination.

But to his horror, he saw two, large men walking closer and closer towards the entrance of the alleyway.

Towards him.

"C-Can I help you?"

One of the men let out a sharp, dark chuckle.

"Oh, you'll help us alright."

The two men took long, observing glances at his slim, attractive body.

"Yeah, he'll do," one man whispered to the other.

The boy gulped and turned away, his vision fixated on the other end of the tunnel while he realized that he needed to run for his life.

But to his horror, instead of the bright street lights that he saw a few moments earlier, he spotted something large blocking the other end.

An arm snaked around his small waist and grabbed him towards the two men. Then, a soft, wet material made its way towards his mouth and nose, covering them.

He tried to hold in his breath, but he couldn't. The arm around his waist was choking him, forcing him to inhale the substance.

And not only a few seconds later that his vision blurred and his limps felt heavy.

"N-No..." he whispered, his voice weak, "I-I want to go back h-home..."

The two men chuckled darkly, then began leading him inside the alleyway. One arm still holding onto his waist.

His pockets lightened, and something fell onto the floor with a loud thud.

His phone.

He made a frail attempt to reach for it, but with the strong arm around his waist, his weak, trembling limps and the killing headache he was starting to get, he found it nearly impossible.

He looked up, his body trembling in hypersensitivity and weak protest.

"P-Please... No."

As the two men forced the (much) younger boy further into the alleyway towards the other end, and despite his blurry vision, he slowly put two and two together and began to realize what was blocking the alleyway earlier.

A car.


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