Chapter 18

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HIS vision continued to fade in and out as he lied on the bed, his muscles aching with pain. He had eventually fallen asleep after entering his room, ignoring his throbbing head and blurry vision.

And when he opened his eyes, he took occasional, exhausted glances at the room. The sealed-shut window allowed soft rays of sunlight inside the room.

His eyes rolled back to his aching head. Tears filled his eyes and eventually began streaming down his face.

The pain in his body was unbearable.

His stomach, his sides, his genitals, his chest. Everywhere hurt.

Allowing soft sobs to escape his mouth, he gathered whatever was left with his energy and made an attempt to sit up straight.

Only to let out a loud groan of pain and sink back into his place, tears streaming down his cheeks. He raised his hands to cover his face and continued to sob, his heart pounding loudly in his ears.





The words echoed through his mind, causing his shoulders to shake and his heart to ache.

"J-Jagiya..." he began during his sobs, "please, save me."

She was all he had left. He knew that much.

And he couldn't risk her getting upset at him, if she thought about him, anyway.

He wiped his face with his bare arms, sobs escaping a deeper part of his throat as a result.

And before he could even think further, the door to his room creaked open and a familiar head peeked inside. The same, angry face he saw for three weeks now.

The same man.

"Get dressed, slut! Boss wants you in the location in ten minutes."

His ears perked up in horror as he managed to sit up straight despite the pain jolting up his body.

"No, no, no—please, sir!" He began in protest, his voice weak and trembling with pain.

The man turned around to face the boy with gritted teeth. "What did you just say, slut?"

"P-Please, sir! I'm so t-tired, I need rest—I need to go to a hospital, my body hurts s-so much. Please, s-sir..."

The man took a few steps closer to his bed with eyes full of anger, making the boy scoot back in his seat in fear. The man continued to inch closer to the boy, locking his eyes upon his the entire time. The boy continued to mutter pleas of pain and heartbreak, putting his hands together to show how sincere he was being.

"P-Please, sir. I really need r-rest, I really can't—I can't."

The man sent him a sarcastic smirk, a smirk that the boy could tell was coming from fuming anger. The boy gulped and avoided the man's gaze.

And it wasn't long before a firm hand grabbed the boy's hair and pulled, hard enough for him to cry out. He allowed tears to stream down his face, eventually raising his eyes to meet the man.

"P-Please, sir," he begged, his voice filled with hope and heartbreak, "I need rest. I need to go to a hospital."

The man tugged at his hair harder, making him wince and let out a small groan.

"Do you think this is optional, slut?" The man hissed, sending glares that made the boy shiver. "Do you think we actually listen to sluts like you?"

"But, s-sir..."

"No buts!" The man screamed. "Get dressed, and meet us downstairs in five minutes!"

He glanced up and down at the smaller boy, and it was only then that the boy realized that he was naked. The cold air sent a chill all over his torso as he felt as vulnerable as ever.

They didn't even bother to put clothes on him after they were done with him the other night. The realization made him sick to his stomach.

"Or else," the voice sent shivers down his spine.

He let out a loud sob and eventually nodded, his eyes still sparkling with plea, hoping that they would catch the man's attention.

They didn't.

The boy continued to let out sobs of pain as his eyes followed the man out of the room. He held onto his waist and ignored the tears streaming down his face.

And eventually, he slowly got up from the bed and made his way towards the closet, reaching for the blue robe that hung in front of him.

Changbin sighed as his mind continued to play parts of the video his best friend just showed him. His heart ached with dismay and internal sadness.

"I'm... I'm really sorry." He began, his voice small and shaky. "I had no idea. I swear."

Mal nodded and allowed a small tear to escape her eyes.

"It's okay, Binnie... I thought you knew, honestly. It was going viral and-and-"

She was interrupted by the familiar sensation of her friend's body against hers. Her tense muscles slowly relaxed as she took her time to return the hug. He sighed and squeezed her body closer to his, tears already filling his eyes as well.

"It's okay, Mal," he assured, still hugging her, "I just want you to know that we're here for you. I will be here for you. We always will be."

She smiled at that, eventually nodding her head.

"I know, Bin. I know..."

He shoved her away gently after a few seconds. She sent him a small, side smile and nodded her head.

"I'm okay now. Thanks for stopping by, Bin, really."

He nodded back and smiled. A wide, sincere smile--unlike hers.

"Of course. Anytime."

He sighed and glanced at the smartwatch hugging his wrist, then looked up at his friend.

"Oh- it's getting late. I have to go back to the others now, before, you know, the asshole says something."

She lightly giggled at his nickname for his boss, eventually nodding and standing up.

"Say hello to the others for me," she sweetly spoke, engulfing him in another friendly hug, "and tell them to stop by sometimes."

The sentence brought guilt to his insides, as he knew that he had told his younger friend, Jisung, not to come with him earlier.

"Of course!" He replied, returning the hug.

She sent him one final smile before leading him towards the front door.

The pair waved at each other one last time before he left. Mal stared at where he once stood, then deeply inhaled as she closed the door behind him, a small, satisfied smile creeping over her face.


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