Chapter 26

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THE couple was now in a gigantic bedroom somewhere on the second floor. Hyunjin continued to glance around the walls and the portraits that hung nearby, sending himself a small smile as he knew that it was his bedroom.

The smile turned into a frown whatsoever, as he remembered that he hadn't slept in it for a while now.

"That's my room..."

She looked up and stopped frantically pacing around the room, eventually nodding her head. "Yes, baby, it is." She continued to run around the room once again, grabbing a water bottle and setting it on the nightstand beside the bed. "I figured that you wouldn't want me to sleep beside you so you can get some peace and quiet. You can sleep here, and if you need something, I'm in the room beside you so you can call at any time."

It took him a few seconds to absorb the words and face the bitter reality,

And when he did, he repeatedly shook his head and hurried towards her, tears already threatening to stream down his face. "No, no, no—"

She turned in his direction, only to feel his desperate arms around her torso as he hugged her as tightly as he could. She froze for a moment, already wondering what was going on. Did he want her to sleep beside him? Did he not want to sleep alone, in his room? Did he feel comfortable with her in the room?

"B-Baby..?" She squeaked out, her hands automatically wrapping themselves around his waist. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head and shut his eyes closed, squeezing her body closer to him.

"No, no, no, please stay with me. I-I can't sleep without you, I can't be without you! P-Please, don't go..."

Her breath hitched in her throat and she froze once again, words already forming on the tip of her mouth. Her body stiffened and her mouth was dry, thoughts swimming mindlessly in the back of her brain.

"I-I just t-thought—"

"No, jagiya, please! Please, sleep with me tonight. I really can't..." His voice trailed off as he held onto her shirt with his weak grip. "Not without you anymore."

Her muscles relaxed as she squeezed his waist tighter. Their bodies were engraved against each other now. She would've choked if it was anyone else. But when it was her favourite person, who was she to say no? Especially after being deprived of him for over a month.

"Okay, beautiful," she replied finally, causing him to sigh heavily in relief. "How about this? We go to my—our—room and stay there? It's much more comfortable."

He nodded his head, satisfied.

"T-Thanks, jagiya..."

She sent him a warm smile and began leading him towards the next room, where he spotted a familiar portrait of him and his wife holding each other and her giving him a small kiss on his lips. He automatically grinned and glanced at her, his heart fluttering upon seeing their pictures placed in every corner of the room.

"I... I missed you, jagiya. A lot."

She nodded and wrapped an arm around his waist, leading him to the bed. "Me too, sweetie. Me too."

He hurried to jump on the bed and flick his arms around, enjoying the soft cotton sheets. She smiled to herself and jumped onto the empty space beside him.

"Come here, pretty," she stretched her arms open and waited for him to come closer, which he did with no time to spare. As soon as she sensed his warm presence beside hers, she wrapped her arms around his torso once again, allowing him to cuddle closer to her and curl into a ball beside her, wrapping his arm around her waist and resting his head against her chest.

Soon enough, her heartbeat's soothing, repetitive sound overwhelmed his ears. He closed his eyes at that, sighing heavily in relief as his muscles relaxed.

"Sweet dreams, my beautiful baby. I love you so much." Her soft voice echoed through his head, and it was the last thing he heard before he drifted off, just like he always wanted.

"Love... You too, jagiya."

She lightly chuckled before squeezing his body tighter, planting a small kiss on his forehead before closing her eyes as well, only realizing how tired she was at that very moment.

The only difference between that night and the night before was that she had her husband right by her side.

His eyes fluttered open and he was met by the sight of the dark room before him. His eyes widened, his mind already spinning with questions as to why he woke up in the first place. Cold air brushed against his bare arms, causing him to turn his head to see where his wife was. He knew that he would never feel cold with her by his side, as both of their bodies radiated enough heat to keep them warm.

But to his shock, his head stayed in place.

And it took him a few seconds to realize that he couldn't move his limps either.

What was going on?

He attempted to move his hands to rub his now cold arms, to no avail. His eyes widened in shock and confusion at the new, heavy sensation on his chest. His breath hitched and the air was stuck in his throat. Fear overwhelmed every part of his body, he tried to inhale.

To no avail.

What was going on?

The question continued to repeat itself over and over in his mind until the words lost their meaning. Pain erupted through his chest, his breath stopping midway. Tears uncontrollably poured down his face. He let out a small gasp to attract someone's attention. Anyone.

Please. He thought, desperately trying to move his limps once again. Help.

That was when the place beside him dipped down with someone's weight shifting above it. Hyunjin's eyes stung with unreleased tears as he let out a desperate noise. Anything to save him from whatever he was going through.

The person beside him immediately turned on the small lamp on the nightstand beside the bed and turned in his direction, a sleepy yet concerned look over her face. Her eyes immediately widened as soon as they fell on his desperate, tearful expression. She inched toward him and covered her mouth with her palm in shock.


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