Chapter 29

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HIS eyes shot open and he sat up straight, his chest heaving up and down as he softly gasped for air. He allowed small, burning hot tears to stream down his face as he remembered the vision that crossed his mind to wake him up, terrified from his dream. He took a desperate glance at the space on the bed beside him, only to meet the sight of his wife's limp body that barely shifted when he woke up.

"Baby?" She questioned in a soft, raspy voice. "Did you have a bad dream?"

He barely nodded his head, causing her to toss and sit up straight, then stretch her arms out to engulf him in a tight hug. He returned the hug with no hesitation, his body shaking between her grip.

"Shh," she assured while his head rested on her shoulder, his face against her neck. "It's okay. You're going to be okay."

She ran a finger through his long, brown hair and placed a quick, gentle kiss on his forehead, barely reaching his hair.

"I'm right here, beautiful," she began once again, "I'll never let you go."

He let out a shaky smile, still holding onto her tightly. He allowed a few more tears to stream down his face.

"Calm down, baby," she reassured, "deep breaths, okay?"

He nodded his head, slowly obeying and taking shaky breaths through his sculpted nose.

"Just like that, baby."

He closed his eyes as a sense of tranquility overwhelmed him.

"T-Thank you, jagiya," he stuttered out after his heartbeats stumbled to a halt.

"You're welcome, beautiful."

She squeezed his waist close to her and continued to run her fingers through his soft hair, which instantly brought peace to his insides.

And for a brief moment, he questioned what he would've done without her by his side. He thanked God twice for not having to find out.

"I love you, jagiya," he whispered with tearful eyes, "so, so much."

The words caused her to softly smile and kiss his forehead once again.

"I love you too, pretty," she whispered back, "more than anything."

And for a moment, she thanked God twice for his return. That was all she could do, after all, besides holding him tightly and cuddling him to her chest.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?"

He shook his head and pouted his lip in a rather childish manner.

"No, jagiya, I can't."

It took her a short moment to think of a solution, knowing that she couldn't force him to sleep. She didn't want to, either.

"Come on," she began, "let's go make a snack."

He obeyed and briefly smiled before holding onto her hand and getting up from the bed.

"You're going to be okay."

She wrapped an arm around his torso, nuzzled her face to his soft hair and rubbed his arm before leading him out of the room, slowly disappearing in the dark, motionless hallway.

His eyes weakly opened at the sound of soft thuds coming from a corner of the room. His eyelids ached at how heavy they were, and his vision could barely focus on his surroundings.

"J-Jagiya?" He stuttered out in a soft, raspy voice.

There was another soft thud before he sensed the familiar gentle fingers caressing his cheeks. "Shh, pretty," she whispered, "go back to sleep. I'm going to go to a meeting real quick and I'll be back before you know it. There's food in the fridge if you're hungry."

As soon as he processed the words, a wave of guilt washed his insides and his eyes fluttered open once again.

"Y-You have work?" He whispered through sleepy eyes. "I... We stayed up last night."

She softly silenced him and caressed his cheeks once again, "it's okay, pretty. I'll be back before you know it. Keep sleeping though, okay? I know you're really tired. You need it."

If it wasn't for how tired he was, he would've jumped up from his side of the bed and hurried to hug the living hell out of her. However, his eyelids were too heavy for his own liking and for a moment, he thought he might have drifted off once again.

"It's okay, pretty," she whispered once again, this time placing her lips on top of his head to kiss his forehead. "I'll be back soon. Sweet dreams."

Once she realized that he was asleep and not aware of anything surrounding him, she threw the black, long hood over her head and hurried out of the room. The guilty, frowning expression remained on her face while she got out of the room. Her heart pounded quickly between her ribs. All she could think about was her desire to turn back, go to her bedroom and cuddle up to her husband once again.

And all she thought about was the overwhelming desire to hold him once again between her arms.

However, that wasn't possible. Not at the moment, at least.

She made her way towards the front door and opened it, meeting the sight of the green, seemingly endless woods that were across from their gigantic mansion. Her eyes fixated on the bright green leaves and the dark brown wood as she made her way toward the silent, gloomy area.

"I'm doing this for you, baby," she whispered, her voice trembling as she made her way towards the woods. Her platform heels made small, soft thuds against the bare grass. Her hood barely shook above her now-covered soft hair.

As soon as she made her way toward the empty spot in the woods, she spotted a man with his back turned. A familiar man wearing a regular black suit with a cream-colored wire around his neck that was connected to the device in his ear, with the back of his head silently staring back at her.

She could do nothing to stop herself from heading towards the man, her shoes making the shuffling noise beneath her as it connected with the grass. All she could do was think about her husband and how she wished to be with him at that moment.

Here went nothing.

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