Chapter 20

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"HELLO, everyone," Hyunjin greeted in a soft, Korean accent, his eyes shimmering with terrified tears, "I'm Hyunjin. This video... It's different than any other video you saw of me, on this very website."

And before he could finish the sentence, tears began pouring down his bruised, exhausted face.

"I-I didn't mean to-"

"You fucking slut! Stop babbling about your sad story! You know what-"

The camera slowly and carelessly shifted away from Hyunjin's small, weak figure, and towards the masked faces of three, much larger men.

"We're going to beat him up for that, but before we do, to those who care about this boy right here," the three men laughed, "and we're sure no one does. If you want him back, you come to Drive Lane with a one-million-dollar ransom. If you want to see him again, you must make sure that there are no authorities involved."

The men took their turns to smirk at the camera.

"If you want him to live," they spat, "then you'll do as we say and one small mistake can guarantee more videos coming to public, and eventually, losing your dear boy's pathetic little life."

Soft, pitiful sobs echoed from behind the camera, making one of the men to glare in the direction. "Look at how much he's crying. You won't be crying so much when we drug you tonight and use you like the slut you are."

The sobs didn't stop at the threat, however. On the contrary, actually.

"P-Please- it's too much m-money!"

"Shut up, slut!" One man yelled at the boy's shaking frame, causing him to tremble and cover his face in fear. "Or we swear to God, you won't be seeing the sun again!"

It took the boy a few seconds to turn silent, as he knew that he would've done anything to see his wife and his friends again. Whatever it took.

"Bring the money to Drive Lane at exactly nine o'clock tomorrow night, and remember, no authorities involved, or else," the man pointed two fingers at his head and pulled an imaginary trigger, causing whoever was watching to swallow their saliva in fear.

"Please... Save me, jagiya." The boy whispered from behind the camera, tears of heartbreak and pain pouring down his face. "You're all I have..."

"Shut up, slut!" The man snapped and shifted the camera again to face the boy, who had his hands together in a begging motion. "No one gives a shit about you!"

"Please, jagiya..." He whispered again, eventually realizing that he made a mistake in disobeying the men, "I know you can help me. Please, save me."

"We don't want him anymore," one of the men spoke in a darker voice, "because why would we want damaged goods?" They all snickered at that. "But if you upset us, you will regret it all. We'll kill him and bury him deep in the woods where no one, including the authorities, can find him."

Soon enough, the video had abruptly ended, and the seven members took tearful glances at each other, then at Mal, whose eyes were still fixated on the now black screen.

"O-Oh, my God..." Mal began as soon as her senses came rushing back. "My baby!"

"We're so sorry, noona," Seungmin began, turning away from his friends so that they didn't see the tears streaming down his face.

"I..." She tried to find a reply, but all the words were stuck in her throat. Tears poured down her face as her head spun with thoughts.

Changbin took a few steps toward the sobbing girl and engulfed her in a tight hug. The others soon followed, covering their mouths with their hands to control their silent weeps of heartbreak.

"I-It's okay, guys..." The girl slowly assured after a minute of hugging their bodies close to her. "It's okay. Let me handle that."

"Who's going to pay for the ransom, noona?" Jeongin asked in an innocent tone.

"Me, of course!" She replied, her voice shaking with fear and heartbreak. "I-I'll pay for it, okay? Don't worry about the money. We'll bring him back soon."

But despite the hope driving itself closer and closer to them, it was only hope, wasn't it?

"I still don't get what you want me to do!" Mal retorted, crossing her arms in dismay to meet the detective's sharp gaze.

"We need you to go there and pay them the money, and we'll be listening through this," he held out a small hearing device which Mal assumed was used in spying on bad people, like the men who had captured her husband.

"As soon as they give you your husband, our respected officers will come out from hiding spots and arrest them. You get your husband back, and we get a lead on the dangerous trafficking syndicate that has been bothering us for very long."

She shook her head, running a hand through her soft, long dark hair. "Why can't you arrest them right away? Must I hand them the money first and see them hurt my husband?"

"Because they will surely threaten to kill him if we jump up too early. I don't think you want a bullet in your husband's head after going this far to find him."

She shrugged in agreement and rolled her eyes.

"Anyway," the detective began again, "you put the spying device on your clothes and wait for the right moment. After you get Hyunjin back and give them the money, we will arrest them. You get your husband and your money back."

"I'm not worried about the damn money!" She snapped, crossing her arms once again. It was true because all she cared about at that moment was to hold her husband between her arms and protect him at all costs.

"I know, Mrs. Mohamed. But you would rather win Hyunjin and your money instead of going home with nothing."

She nodded in agreement and sent the detective a side, insincere smile.

"Thank you, detective Choi."

The man nodded, then sighed in relief.

They were both grateful that it was all going to end so soon.

They were going to finally find him.

And the detective was right. Both were going to win. 

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