Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

THE first thing she noticed when she went to work the day after were the whispers. The excessive whispers followed her everywhere she went, from the coffee shop to the makeup store to her work location.

And the giggles.

The giggles annoyed the living hell out of her.

The giggles that came with the pointed fingers.

Everyone pointed at her and laughed, and for a moment, she had no idea why.

Until the moment she walked into the location.

Like she had expected, some of her co-stars giggled and pointed, while others turned away in dismay and shame. Her heart broke at that, and tears almost threatened to fill her eyes.


The whispers grew louder, and the giggles turned into dark chuckles. To the point when she could almost hear what they were saying. Just little chunks here and there, enough to send the message.

"... Married to the slut," someone whispered, "I wouldn't want to be her now, would I?"

"Such a pity he turned out to be such a whore, huh?"

"Yeah, he was hot. Maybe that's why he's such a slut."

She couldn't understand.

What was going on?

Her head spun with confusion and frustration.

What were they all whispering and chirping about?

Why were they all pointing at her?

Was it some kind of sick joke?

Tears filled her eyes and her vision blurred. Now that she could barely hear what they were saying, and despite her not understanding anything, she knew that the words hurt.

Whatever they were, she knew that it was something embarrassing and shameful. Another rumor, probably.

Maybe another one about her husband?

Maybe yes, and maybe no.

She glanced around the location, around the seemingly endless tables and chairs, towards the people she knew and trusted the most. The only people who didn't laugh at her or ignore her existence.

She hurried towards the two, who were peacefully reading their scripts and minding their own business. Her wedge heels clunk beneath her on the ceramic floor as she grasped her carton coffee mug tightly in her grip.

"Millie," she hissed, "what is going on? Why is everyone laughing at me?"

Millie looked up almost immediately, along with the other boy across from her, clearly surprised.

"Hey, Mal!" Millie greeted with a sweet smile, opening her arms to hug her best friend.

Mal returned the hug with a faint smile, her heart pounding in her chest.

"What is going on?" She repeated, tears already threatening to stream down her face. "I've been to multiple places and everyone has been pointing and laughing at me! What is happening?"

Millie turned to the boy across from her, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, then turned back to Mal.

"I... I don't know why would anyone laugh at you," she replied. Then, turning her attention to the boy once again, an expression of hope shining bright in her beautiful face. "Finn, do you know?"

Finn hesitated and tore his sight away from them, biting his lower lip. The movement made the two girls frown and look at each other.


"What?" Mal hissed, her voice cracking. "Finn, what?"

Finn bit the insides of his cheeks and fidgeted with his knuckles. "Um... The truth is,"

The two girls sat up straight and listened to his hesitating words.

"There was a... Video, Mal. A terrible video."

And before he could continue explaining what was going on, the three heard footsteps heading towards them. Finn sat up straight and the two girls turned around, directly looking at whoever was coming.

Eventually, they rolled their eyes.

"Good morning, losers!" Trevor smirked, staring at his co-star with fake disgust. When his eyes landed on Mal, his smirk grew wider and his feet took multiple steps closer toward the girl.

"Look who it is, the woman of the hour." He smugly began, raising one eyebrow. "I can only wish your husband was here too, so I can say congratulations on the awesome video that's trending right now."

Mal's heart dropped.

"W-What video?"

"Aw," Trevor faked a noise of sympathy as he let out his phone from his pocket, "you don't know? That's too bad. You're missing a lot, you know?"

He scrolled through his phone and opened the media player, tapping on a certain video that appeared first thing on the screen.

"It dropped yesterday, and it has been going viral since then! Look how hot and sexy your husband is here." He bitterly retorted. "Makes me want to fuck him as hard as I can and leave no mercy."

"Trevor!" Millie yelled, standing up from her seat. Mal slowly did the same, her eyes fixated on the screen.

Her eyes fell on her husband's naked body as he stood on his hand and knees on the white bed sheets, his body shaking and tears pouring down his face. Helpless moans and pleas for mercy escaped his mouth, and with each word, a loud spank was directed at some part of his bare body.

"I want my wife," he pleaded in Korean, heartbroken, pained sobs escaping his throat, "please, sir. Please."

And if her heart wasn't already broken enough, she had finally managed to prove herself wrong. Tears finally poured down her face, her husband's broken voice echoing through her mind.

"W-What is that?"

"Your dear husband is a whore," he spat, "that's what's going on. He's a fucking slut!"

Mal remained silent, to everyone's surprise.

"Trevor, clearly someone's making him do this, he's missing after all-" Finn began, rolling his eyes at how irrational his co-star was acting.

"He's not missing!" Trevor yelled, causing the two friends standing behind Mal to shake their heads in dismay. "He's a star in porn movies because he's a slut and you were only holding him back! "

The words echoed through her mind as she remained silent, still watching her husband's figure pleading for mercy.

Until Trevor slid his hand away with the phone, causing her to barely flinch and absorb the bitter reality.

Someone just insulted her husband.

And what did she normally do when someone hurt her husband and called him out for something he didn't do?

Mal heavily sighed, her eyes locked onto Trevor's. Fuming anger rushed through her veins and she could only send death glares to Trevor's figure.

And before he could open his mouth to smugly remark at how silent she was being, she raised her hand, quickly turning into a fist in the process.

And delivered a powerful punch to her co-star's nose.


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