Chapter 21

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RAJWAN opened his mouth in shock at the screen, tears already welling up in his eyes as his hands lightly trembled.

We're over, the grey message on the screen read, much to his shock and horror.

He swallowed his saliva and gathered his courage to text back, to at least ask why. His heart ached and pounded between his ribs, worsening the feeling inside him.

"W-Why?" He typed back, his fingers shaking. "Did I do something?"

The small bubble on the bottom of the screen popped up for a brief second. Sweat poured down his forehead as he anxiously waited for the message.

"I found someone better." The screen read, causing him to open his mouth through his tears and allow a small sob to escape his mouth.

"Who?" He typed, then pressed the send button.

And eventually, guilt began pooling in the pit of his stomach.

He realized that he didn't care about what his (ex) boyfriend had to say.

His fists clenched around the phone in his grip as his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. Tears of frustration and heartbreak streamed down his face.

"Whatever, asshole," he typed, rolling his eyes. "Have fun, jerk. I knew you never liked me anyway."

The bubble popped up again, and despite telling himself that he was done with the conversation, he paused to read whatever came on the screen.

However, regret filled his stomach, along with the guilt and pain that took hold of his heart as soon as he read the next two words.

"That's right."

Tears continued to stream down his face. He pressed the power button and turned off his phone, shoving it in his jean pocket in dismay and heartbreak.


Why would he do that to him?

Why did he ever deserve that?

He rubbed his temple with his fingers, trying to stop more tears from escaping his eyes.

But before he could manage to calm himself down, his phone started vibrating in his pocket once again. He reached to take it out and stare at the screen once again.


He sighed shakily and pressed the green answer button, then put the phone close to his ear.


"What do you want?" He snapped before she could continue her sentence.

Why was she calling him now? To gloat? To tell him 'I told you so'?

Why did she call him?

Mal stopped and glanced at the screen of her phone to make sure she heard correctly. "W-What?"

"I said," he spoke once again, veins popping in his neck from frustration, "what the hell do you want? Why did you call me?"

The older girl shook her head in shock and pure dismay, "why—"

"I'm busy right now." He retorted, his voice shaking and his fists clenching around nothing. "Just go! Stop bothering me."

He was met by silence on the other end for a few, brief moments. His sister let out shaky breaths. It took him a few seconds to realize that she was crying.

His heart softened and another wave of regret washed his insides.

"Wait... Mal, I didn't—"

But the boy was interrupted by the sound of beeping coming from the other end. He turned to glance at the screen and was hit by the terrifying truth that she had hung up the phone call.

Fucking great.

"Sir..." The boy began, his legs trembling and shaking after the long, rough night he went through. "S-Sir, I can't walk."

"Get up, slut!" The man snapped, causing the boy to flinch and back away slightly, his arm resting on his stomach to cover his exposed body. "Don't make me say it again."

The younger boy struggled to get up from his place on the bed and sat up straight, then eventually stood up. Holding onto the wooden nightstand beside him to prevent himself from falling, he took a pleading look at the man before him and let out a small sob.

"I... I'm s-sorry." The boy shakily whispered. "Whatever I... Did. I'm sorry."

The man sighed and bit his inner cheeks in anger. He took quick, rushed steps towards the boy and reached out to grab his soft, sweat-covered hair. The boy gasped, his hand unconsciously gripping the man's wrist to lighten the harsh, firm grip.

"It was nothing personal, really," the man hissed, tugging tighter at the boy's hair. "The thing is, the minute you stepped foot in this fucking place, it became personal."

Hyunjin's breath hitched as he was only inches away from the man's face.

"You know," the man began in a bitter voice, "I was against letting you go in the first place. Boss said that he couldn't take your whining, so we suggested that we kill you. He said no."

The man let out a small chuckle and glanced away from the boy, his grip tightening around his hair, "the only reason you're alive and get to see your pathetic little family again is because of Boss."

The boy closed his eyes at that, his heart aching.

Somehow, his life was put in a stranger's hand. And what was weird about it was that the man had decided to spare his life so he could see his wife and friends once again. The thought brought heartbroken, hopeful tears to his eyes.

"Yeah, you owe us." The man continued. "You do whatever we say until it's time for you to go, slut."

The boy swallowed and avoided the man's sharp, menacing gaze, which only made the man grab his hair tighter and clench his teeth.


"Yes, what, slut?"

The boy flinched and hesitated, his voice trembling. "Y-Yes, sir."

"Now, go."

Shoving the boy away with one swift move, the man gritted his teeth once again and glanced at the boy's naked, abused body, a hungry, predatory look over his glistening eyes.

"Go to your room, slut," he ordered, "before I tear you apart again."

The boy nodded and shakily took weak, careful steps out of the room.

Despite the overwhelming pain rushing through his weak body, he made his way up the stairs and towards his room, closing his eyes at the sensation of tears pouring down his face.

Just, why?

All he could do at that point was to wish for time to pass faster.


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