Chapter 13

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MAL sobbed as soon as she sat down on her couch, her phone grasped tightly in her hand. She covered her eyes with her free hand and continued to violently cry, occasionally glancing at the dim-lit screen.

Her poor, young husband.

How could anyone hurt him and ruin his life like that?

She sobbed and sank her head between her knees, hugging her legs closer to her chest in distress. The image of her husband popped up in her mind once again, making her desperately cry, her body trembling and shaking.

"My baby..."

The memory of what had happened earlier in her work location flashed through her mind, and she could barely smile in victory.

She didn't get fired, and maybe her position in society or her fame caused that. But her fame couldn't have fired Trevor from his position for bullying another co-star.

Because she wasn't the director, now, was she?

Despite her tears, she let out a smirk and a soft sob. A smirk of victory, maybe. And maybe the sob was because of her husband's situation.

Or both.

Now that Trevor was out of the way, she needed someone to trace her husband back to her.

And she couldn't do that at the moment.

She raised her phone to her sight once again, tears pouring down her face. The video that Trevor showed her earlier was displayed on the screen, and as soon as she pressed the play button, she broke down into more heartbroken sobs.

He was asking for her help.

He was hurt.

And not only that she couldn't understand why these people were torturing him, but she also couldn't understand how everyone managed to fall into the trap and believe that the video was consensual.

Because it was clear as day that he was in pain.

Her phone began vibrating in her hand, causing her to look up and wipe her tears with her palm, her eyes sparkling at the dim-lit screen. Somebody was calling her.

Her brother, as it seems.

She pressed the green answer button and set the phone close to her ear. "Hello?"

"Mal?" Her brother's voice echoed through the speakers, worried at her broken tone. "What's wrong? Were you crying?"

She nodded, "something terrible happened."

"What is it? I'm here, whatever it is."

She shook her head in heartbroken dismay, deciding that she couldn't explain the situation on the phone.

"Can you come over?" Her voice came out croaky and brittle.

A long pause on the other end met her question, followed by a quick 'yes'.

"Of course, Mal. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

The pair hung up soon after.

She anxiously tapped her feet on the floor, desperately waiting for the doorbell to ring. She needed her brother's existence beside her at that moment, and she thought she couldn't wait any longer.

That was before her phone began vibrating once again on the coffee table in front of her.

Fidgeting with her fingertips, she reached for her phone in one swift move and glanced at the screen.


She pressed the green button once again, her face turning into an unfocused frown as she answered with a small 'hello?'

And her heart dropped to her stomach as soon as she heard Chan's soft sobs echoing through the speakers.


"Mal?" He replied with a cracked voice, trying but failing to wipe away his tears.

"Chan, what's going on?"

Chan hesitated for a few seconds, clearly debating whether he should tell her or not, "u-um..."

"Chan, what's wrong? Are you okay, baby?"

He repeatedly shook his head, his heart pounding in his chest.

"I-I saw the videos because someone sent them to me and I... I-I couldn't imagine- god!"

The words brought more tears to her eyes.

"Yeah... None of us did." She replied, tears streaming down her face. The image of her husband getting raped before her eyes while she could do nothing about it made her heart ache.

"I'm really sorry, Mal." He began, his body trembling and shaking as he held onto his phone. "I... I saw the video during practice and I kept messing up! No one could understand why... But I did. I'm really sorry."

"Chan..." She started, shaking her head at how much he was blaming himself. "Don't you dare say things like that. Just—please. If something comes out like this, or about Hyunjin..."

She sighed. "You need to tell me, okay? Promise me."

He nodded with no hesitation, reaching up with one finger to wipe away his own tears. "I promise."

Just then, Mal winced at the doorbell's loud ringing.

"I'm sorry, Chan. That's my brother, I have to go."

Chan nodded and licked the salted tears on his lips. "Of course, Mal. I'm sorry, again. Really, really sorry. I should've protected Hyunjin."

"Don't say things like that," she softly ordered, "it's never going to be your fault, okay? It's mine. I should've told him not to go to his parents' house."

She scoffed at her own words. "And look at them. They don't even care about what he's going through."

Before he could protest or reply, his phone vibrated in his hand, declaring that he was receiving a call.

"I'm sorry, I have to go too."

She sighed and nodded, "it's okay. Bye, Chan."

And as soon as the pair hung up, Mal hurried away from the couch and towards the front door, her bare feet hitting the porcelain sloppily as she did so.

She headed towards the doorknob and twisted it open, revealing the person who was standing behind the entire time.


As soon as he came into sight, she hurried towards him and engulfed him in a tight hug, loud, violent sobs escaping her mouth.

"It's okay," her brother reassured, tears filling his eyes at the sight of his sister crying. "I promise it's going to be okay."

She barely shook her head, eventually letting him go and inviting him inside the gigantic house.

She wasn't exactly sure about that, now, was she?

And the only image that popped up in her head was her husband crying and screaming for help, desperately waiting for her to save him.

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