Chapter 30

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THE man sneered at his peers, who were chuckling at something they were just talking about a few moments earlier.

"This man said that we meet them on Main Street at nine o'clock sharp. You hear that? Boss will be there too, so we can't mess it up or we're doomed."

The two other men stopped and solemnly turned to their coworker at the mention of their boss. The nickname itself sent a shiver down their spine.

"We snatch this slut from his wife's arms and with Boss's help, we send him off to Russia, where he'll be treated like the sex slave he is." The man continued, his voice firm and filled with order. The other two nodded their heads and glanced at each other.

"If we get it right, we go to Russia, we have fun, we get what we want—everything, but if we fail," the look in his eyes turned from solemn and firm to deadly with fear, "we won't live another day to see what happens."

The two nodded, their bodies already trembling at the horrible thought of failing to do their mission.

One last chance.

"Can you come home, jagiya? I-I don't feel good. I need you." His voice echoed through her head and she frowned, tears automatically filling her eyes at the sound of him in distress.

"Okay, pretty," she replied immediately, "don't worry. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

As soon as she hung up, she took another sharp glance at the person in front of her.

"So it's a deal?"

The man nodded.

"Yes, ma'am. Main street at nine o'clock sharp."

She smirked in satisfaction.

"Good boy," she complimented. "Now, once they show up, we'll bring Hyunjin to them. And after that, you know what to do."

The man nodded once again.

"But, excuse me for the intrusion, ma'am... How are you going to bring it up to Mr. Hwang that he's about to see his kidnappers once again?"

She thought for a moment, the idea already making her nauseated. She had no idea how, but the idea of her husband being in danger once again managed to set fire to her insides.

"Let me handle that," she concluded. "He's going to be fine."

Yes, he would. Wouldn't he?

"We part ways now."

Both of them nodded solemnly and turned around, ready to take off. Mal took a few steps towards the way she entered from and hurried to the path at the end of the woods.

Here went nothing.

. . .

Upon clicking the front door shut, she was met by the sight of her tear-stricken husband running towards her and engulfing her in a tight hug as if his life depended on it. She returned the hug and whispered sweet nothings into his ear, running a finger through his soft hair to reassure him.

"I-I'm sorry, jagiya," he tearfully whispered, "I'm really sorry. I know I'm holding you back..."

She shushed him, her eyebrows furrowing in anger at the words.

"Don't say things like that. You're not holding me back. You're everything to me, you hear that?"

He nodded his head, still hugging her tightly. His mind raced with thoughts and fear ran through every inch of his body.

"I'll never let you get hurt," she whispered, as if making a promise to herself.

A promise that she wasn't planning on breaking any time soon.

"And once they get there, and you see their boss with them," she spoke earlier to her bodyguard, "you know what to do."

She smirked to herself as he sunk his face into her neck, still running her fingers through his long hair.

"Yes, ma'am," her bodyguard answered, "we shoot and kill every single one of them."

Her husband held onto her for support as tears blurred his vision. Sobs escaped his lips while she thought to herself once again, rubbing his back in the process to reassure him through what was coming.

"After that, you and the others clean up the bodies and you make sure that Hyunjin stays in the car, unbothered," she explained. "Is that clear?"

"Yes, ma'am." He nodded firmly to reassure her that he understood her point.

After all, she didn't want her husband to get hurt.

Quite the opposite actually.

She told the men that worked for the syndicate that their boss needed to be with them. For settlement reasons.

The way Hyunjin had told her that he was the one running the trafficking syndicate and the way he was supervising her husband's torture to make his life a living hell...

There was no way it would go unnoticed.

"I'm sorry, jagiya," her husband's sweet voice interrupted her train of thoughts, "I know I'm being a burden. But... I'm going through hell right now."

Her smirk faded and she was left balanced between breaking down into tears or holding onto him as if her life depended on it.

And she chose both.

"I know that, beautiful," she began, "but I won't let you get hurt. Never again."

She sighed. "If you're going through hell, then I'd rather go through it with you. Hell is ours, okay? And I'll never let you go."

The words brought tears to his eyes. His grip tightened around her torso and waist in order to reassure himself that she was there. And she was holding him right at that moment.

"Oh, how I would love to get rid of them," she spoke bitterly, her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes staring off into nothing.

"We will, ma'am."

"They're going to regret the day their pathetic little legs led them to where my dear husband was standing." She thought once again, this time the grip on her husband tightened.

"I love you more than anything, my beautiful baby."

He whispered a similar reply and closed his eyes to listen to her smooth, calm heartbeat.

"I love you more, jagiya," he whispered, tears running down his face. "You mean everything to me."

She shook her head and gently shoved him away, her eyes wandering to his pink, plump lips.

No. He meant everything to her.

And for those who did him wrong, they were going to pay.

Starting with the sex trafficking syndicate.

And ending with his darn parents.

She leaned in and captured his lips in a long, passionate kiss, her grip tightening around his waist and buttocks to declare that he was hers. All while the thoughts of the terrible, filthy men who raped her husband getting shot and killed in front of her flashed through her mind.

Oh, sweet revenge.

The End

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