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(Picture does not belong to me)

-Sensitive language(Swearing)
-Mentioning about eating a species
-Hand-made glitching font(Error's font)

Characters in chapter:

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Narrator's POV

A group of 3 skeletons are found sitting at a small, thin table. They seem to be talking about all sorts of incomprehensible nonsense that any normal person would be confused about or weirded out from. However, these skeletons are far off from what is considered normal and the evidence is sprawled all over their places of rest. "What would 'not normal' skeletons do at such a small table?", you may be wondering. Well... um... how about we take it into perspective, shall we? If you were one of these skeletons, what would you do at a small and thin table surrounded by two other skeletons? Maybe you would be eating... or maybe you would just be there because there was nothing better to do... or maybe you would be there for the drama between your two skeleton companions? Well, do you have a little idea about the endless possibilities of what these three skeletons are doing or could be doing?

However, there is no more time for perspective now. "What shall we do now?", you may be wondering. Well, it is time for reality to wrap us into its grasp and show us the truth. This is the only way for us to know what truly goes on between these 3 skeletons. So let us take a look at what reality has on display for us. Shall we?

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" How silly of me to forget to eat something as delicious as a human right? Oh wait... I don't eat humans. ", says the skeleton with a cracked skull and a blood red eye, dramatically emphasising his words in order to get his point across.

" You tell me this as if I'm supposed to care. Do I care? No. Will I ever? Nope.", says another skeleton, but this time having a hood enclosing his skull in a cloak of darkness. This skeleton leans over the surface of the table and lays his skull in his hand, which was placed firm on the small table, facing upwards. The cracked-skull skeleton groans in irritation.

" How could you not? When you have your execution problems to share, I listen with large, flapping, elephant ears, but that level of attention somehow doesn't apply to you? ", says the cracked-skull skeleton, with clear annoyance and sass lacing his deep, crackling voice. The hooded skeleton only does a mere "eye roll" at this action.

" Who cares about your problems, you big baby? ", replies the hooded skeleton, sarcasm mixing with the tension in the air, doubling the intensity of agitation.

" Many people Murder. ", says the 3rd skeleton, with a dark substance oozing out of black, void-like eyes. The hooded skeleton, supposedly by the name of Murder, turns his skull towards this silent skeleton and snarls, his mood changing almost instantly towards irritation.

" No one was talking to you. Who gave you the right to put your dirty mouth in my conversations? You emotionless freak. ", Murder says, glaring daggers at this skeleton.

" Oi watch yourself Murder, no violence is allowed between you two or else we'll get into trouble with the boss again. ", the cracked-skull skeleton says to Murder in a whisper, placing a hand gently on the hooded skeleton's left arm. Murder stares at him, dumbfounded.

" Whatever, don't touch me Horror. ", Murder says, pulling his arm away from the cracked-skull skeleton, supposedly named Horror, and crossing his arms in an attempt to hide his embarassment. Horror rolls his "eyes" and sits back in his chair.

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