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-Sensitive language

. . .

Horror's POV

I'm in a kind of state that numbs my entire body. I mean.. this whole thing is weird really- Boss never lets us do dual missions, so this is kind of sceptical. I guess we'll have to find out what our task is in order to decipher if this is a mission worth having a partner or not, even if we probably can't change it. I honestly don't even mind though. I'm just a bit curious as to why really.

" Right, so your task is to collect an average amount of Death's essence and store it in this container. You will then report back to me once you two complete this task. ", boss says, showing us the small, empty container.

" Boss I have a question. Permission to ask? ", Killer questions. *Boss shrugs as a reply.*
" Permission granted. ", they state, crossing their arms over their chest.

" Thank you. Um, why would this task need to be carried out by two people? It seems pretty simple and straightforward to be done by one of us individually. ", he says, using hand gestures, such as gliding his finger infront of us as reference, to back up his point. *Boss laughs oddly.*

" This is Death I'm talking about. The infamous Grim Reaper? The special person that can kill any mortal by just the touch of a finger? You three do realize that in order to get his essence, you need to touch him, right? ", boss states, blatantly amused by the idiocracy of the question. *The three of us nod our heads gloomily.*

" I'm sure I don't need to explain more, but just in case I have a bunch of idiots as my employees.. if one of you die or are threatened by "death", the other will be there to back you up. ", boss explains with a sigh. *All three of us nod our heads before a wave of realization hits Killer and a question follows as a result.

" Um.. boss? I just realized that I haven't been assigned a task- ", Killer begins, but boss waves him off with their right hand.

" You don't have a special task because the last addition to my plan is already assigned to your colleagues, so you'll simply be on patrol duty Killer. ", boss says, dismissing the three of us with their tentacles. *Killer nods and disappears, but Murder and I stay behind as our souls linger in the moment. Before I could begin to say anything, Murder grabs my arm and we disappear from the castle.*

. . .

I never thought this would ever happen really. A dual mission? I thought it was simply a myth in this job! But I'm not necessarily complaining- just surprised is all. *We've been walking in silence through Reaper!Tale and it's actually starting to become sort of suffocating. Silence was never something I could handle afterall, but with Murder.. I have to learn to handle it. I'm not even sure how exactly we're supposed to get Reaper's essence, but what can I do besides follow Murder, who seems to know how to do this.*

. . .

Murder's POV

I don't know how to do this... and I'm freaking out because of it! Death's fucking essence? How the hell am I supposed to get that?! And with a partner as well? I'm so fucking useless, all I can think about is walking until an idea pops up in this shitty brain of mine. All I know is that we have to do this stealthy... so maybe we could hide in those bushes over there and talk out a proper strategy? Seems like a good plan to me-

*I lead us towards the bushes that are situated at the end of the forest we are walking through. It seems to be blocking the entire space infront of the forest so everyone from the other side can't see, which makes it perfect to devise something privately. None of us says anything until after we're both settled down, blocked fully by the bushes.*

Horror's POV

" So... got any idea of how we're going to do this? ", I ask him, my facial expression filled with hope as he looks at me.

" Unfortunately not. ", he replies with a sigh.
" Oh... ", I say shortly, all the hope draining from my cold face. *Now we sit in silence once more. Murder opens a small part of the bushes and peers out every once in a while, but I just sit here quietly. It feels as if my entire body is wrapped in plastic because I don't know what to say to him and my mind is completely blank.*

" So... do you have um.. any idea why boss chose us to do this mission together? ", I ask, trying to strike up a conversation. Anything really. *Murder shrugs in response, turning away from the bushes to look at me again.*

" Beats me. Boss is always filled with surprises and being mysterious is their special thing. ", he says, leaning back against his hands. *I nod in agreement of his statement, but my mood doesn't really improve.*

" Well, what are we even going to do? It's still morning and we have this whole day to wait now. ", I question gloomily. *I notice that Murder somewhat raises an "eye-brow".

" What do you mean "whole day to wait"? Why do we need to wait the whole day to do this? ", he asks and it comes as a surprise to me.

" Oh? Don't you know? Even though Reaper works his way around at night, his sensors are less perked at that time. Sorry, I just assumed because of that fact that we'll maybe take that kind of- ", I say, but I'm cut off by Murder.

" I didn't actually know that.. fuck.. ", he exclaims, sitting up straight on the clumpy dirt we're sitting on.
" Oh? Really? ", I question cheekily and he flips me off as a reply.

" Shut the fuck up, I don't study the Grim Reaper like a creep! ", he exclaims, which makes me laugh.
" You don't need to study people to know such simple things. It's really a common fact that most villains in the multiverse know because people have got some sort of obssession with him I guess. ", I say, resting my head in my hands as I stare at the hooded figure infront of me.

" Whatever. ", he says gloomily before proceeding to look through the space in the bushes once more. *That's when his expression changes and he looks back to me with a blank look. I question what he saw silently, in case someone was near enough to hear me if I were to speak.*

" He's here.. ", Murder whispers to me, peering out of the bushes again.

. . .

Word count: 1164

Akagi's A/N
Hey everyone! Here's another chapter coming at my fellow readers. Thank you for all the support so far and I hope you continue to enjoy my story. We've finally gotten to the main part of it, so lets dive straight in whoo!! Have an amazing day/night!

~ Akagi/SparklingDream12

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