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-Talk involving low self-esteem


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Murder's POV

How much time has passed? I don't even know. I've been sitting here for hours and I can't even tell the time. Where am I again? Oh wait, I'm here. On my bed. Not sleeping.

I'm supposed to be sleeping though. I just can't get myself to fall asleep for some reason. It should be easy shouldn't it? Just lay back against my soft, fluffy pillow and close my eyes right? Then why can I not do that? It's so simple! Right?! Oh my god.. been here for a few hours and I'm already going insane from lack of sleep. I have to sleep though. I can't go on a parkour quest without any energy, right? How do I get energy? SLEEP. It's so fucking simple!!

I'm sure those two inside are getting wonderful sleep in their cozy beds, while I sit here cold as hell.. and I'm under the covers. Hah, they don't even have to think about any missions tomorrow? Later? I don't know the fucking time!! Ugh, why do I even bother?

To top my fatigue off, I can't find my phone, so even if I wanted to look at the time I can't. Why is my life so unbearably difficult? Why can't Killer or Horror have such problems? To hell with that, why can't BOSS have these problems? Unfair. They get to sit on their fancy throne and lay in their fancy, king-sized bed while I work my ass off to be considered decent by them. Unfair. I get the sarcastic attitude and the sharp stares because of my personality, but Killer gets normal stares and Horror gets a normal personality. Unfair.

*Sigh* Life is unfair. So unfair. What can I do though? Nothing. That's the downside of being the villain in the story. The hero gets all the smiles, laughs and praises, while you get all the glares, silence and fear. Well, okay the fear is the fun part of it all, but still. I don't want what the hero gets.. I just want my life to have some sort of.. peace...

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I have to get up now and also find my phone while I'm at it. *I throw the covers open and immediately spot my phone at the end of my bed.* Of course it was there all this time. *I curse under my breath as I reach across my bed to grab my phone. I pick it up and stand up shortly after. My back hurts severely so I stretch to relieve some of the pain. I walk over to the dresser and pick up my jacket, slipping into it. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror above the dresser and stare coldly at my reflection.* I look like an ugly mess. How do people live when they look at me? My looks break all boundaries of the "looks can't kill" saying.

*I pull my jacket closer over my chest and slide the zip slowly up towards my neck. I sigh as I already feel like all my energy has been drained.. by such a small action as well. I walk towards my room door and slip on blue, worn-out sneakers, next to the door, that I don't bother to clean. I open the door slowly, listening for any sound that could be considered as a footstep.*

*I hear nothing, only the usual empty silence, so I move out of my room and close the door behind me. This has become a habit of mine, listening for signs of movement in the early mornings and late evenings. It's really just a sign of stealth and it doesn't mean that I don't want to be caught awake at this hour. Well... sometimes it does, but most of the time it doesn't.*

*I begin to make my way down the hallway and I silently pass two room doors, scattered a distance from each other on opposite sides of the hallway. I come towards the end of the hallway and walk into the pathway that connects with the throne room.* Should I go in there? Maybe boss is waiting for me here? What if the kid is the only one there and is waiting for someone like me though? Then what would I do if I get pounced on?

Well... I'm a risk-taker for a reason.

*I walk towards the four doors and push the two middle ones open. I move into the large room and close the doors behind me. I peer around the room and see a familiar face peering back at me on a mattress in the right corner of the room.* Boss isn't anywhere in sight, shit. Should I leave now? I can't leave now, fuck! *I stare back at the two "closed" eyes and they stare innocently back, but the owner of the eyes say nothing.

*I don't back down from a fight, so I continue to stare, saying nothing to them as well. They don't back down and it surprises me a little.* I can handle silence, but not when I'm in a room with the source of my all of my life problems. This is making me uneasy, but I refuse to back down on this fight.

" Hello Sans. ", they say and it startles me for a few seconds, making me flinch at the name.
" Hey. It's not Sans anymore, brat. ", I say, unable to control my manners. *They, weirdly, smile at this and send a small wave my way, to which I do not return.*

" Well, what would you like me to call you? ", they ask and it does not improve my mood.
" Murder. I'm not your Sans either. ", I say. I want them to know all the details and the fact that they are not in any position to pull tricks. *They nod their head.*

" I know. You look nothing like Sans. What happened? ", they ask innocently and it irritates me devastatingly.

" I'm not your friend, Frisk. I'm not telling you what you don't need to know. ", I say, crossing my arms over my chest. *They smile and nod their head.* Ugh, this fucking brat reminds me of Mr Emotionless inside.

" Where am I? Why am I here? Where is my Sans? ", they ask in a panic-ky voice. *I smirk at this.*
" None ya business pal. Oh! I forgot to ask because you were out cold, but... how was the experience? ", I say, holding in a sadistic chuckle. *They begin to frown and it makes my smile widen. Suddenly, the doors behind me open and I move out of the way quickly. Large tentacles flow smoothly into the room and I immediately know who the person is.* Boss.

*Boss walks in after their tentacles and acknowledges my existence for once.*

" Oh, morning Murder. Glad you're up this early. ", boss says and I respectfully nod towards them. *Frisk freezes as boss makes their way towards them. They smile, bend down and wave at the silent child.*

" Morning to you too! Sleep well~? ", boss asks and they hesitantly shake their head in disagreement. *Boss's smile widens.*

" Well, aint that just perfect. Murder, come here. As you can see, Murder here is going to take you home now and then you'll be safe and sound. ", boss says, lifting Frisk up with their tentacles and placing the quivering child in my arms. *I have to stop myself from groaning.*

" Right. It's a shame you couldn't stay longer, but I think it's time you go back to you boring and insignificant life once more. Bye bye~ ", boss coes and just like that...

. . .

*I disappear*

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Word count: 1300

Akagi's A/N
Right. There's this chapter. I thought it was going to be about describing Frisk going home, but it was changed completely lmao. Well, the next chapter will most definitely feature that so yeah! Have a great day/night.


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