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-Sensitive language(Swear words)


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Murder's POV

Wow I can't believe that I'm the first one to be awake right now. Normally Killer is, no wait boss is, but right now I'm standing in the main room and I'm the only one awake. What happened? Did they pass out and forget to live again or something? Well any way, it doesn't matter that I'm the only one awake because it means that I get "extra gravy points".

I want some coffee, but that kettle's noise booms through the entire castle and I don't want a certain emotionless skeleton to actually wake up because of it. That, however, means that I can't have my much needed coffee now... Fuck! Okay, maybe I'll see if there's still some snacks left on the carpet. *I walk towards the couch and see that there's actually still 5 full packets of pretzels laying comfortably on the carpet.* Do those idiots just not like pretzels or something? Those snacks are a classic! Whatever, their loss.

Maybe I can watch a movie right now. A proper one. I don't want to watch another "horror" so.. maybe there's a good fantasy? You know, I don't care if there's romance in a fantasy movie because it's actually bearable. In any case though, there's more action and really good environmental-appreciation scenes than romance in a fantasy movie, which is exactly what I like about them.

*Suddenly I hear footsteps and frown because of it* I didn't even get to find a movie yet! Shitty assholes. *I look behind me and... I see Horror standing in the doorway.* Horror? He's normally the last one to wake up so how the hell is he awake at this time? *He rubs his eyes and then notices me sitting on the couch*

" Oh! Mornin' Murder ", he says, flashing a smile my way. *I look away and put my attention back on the TV, continuing to look for a fantasy movie. He moves towards the couch and sits next to me, looking at the TV to check what I'm searching for.*

" Ahh, are you looking for a fantasy movie? ", he asks, stupidly. *I deadpan at him.*

" What category on UnderFlix am I on right now? That will surely give you an answer to that ridiculously stupid question. ", I say, putting my attention back on the TV. *I see, in the blind-spot of my "eye", him smile cheekily and I frown even more.*

" That's nice. ", he says. Why does he feel like he needs to reply to my sarcasm? Whatever. *I finally find a movie that catches my interest and start it up. Horror crosses his legs on the couch, like he did last night, and I place the TV remote on the arm-rest of the couch, situated on my right.*

" Do you like fantasy, Murder? ", he asks and I scoff.

" What do you think? ", I ask him. I'm not really sure why I'm being so rude right now.. It's probably because I didn't have my coffee yet, which is always bad. *He gives no reply and I sigh softly.*

" Sorry.. I haven't had my coffee and I'm not a morning person. I don't mean to be rude so I apologise. ", I say, feeling a bit guilty. *Horror, surprisingly, smiles and nods his head.*

" It's fine. I know you're not a morning person so I don't care how rude to me you are right now. I'm a portable venting machine, remember? ", he says and I laugh softly at the last part. *He smiles cheekily once more.* I actually feel a lot better now. How? God, whatever, I don't care.

. . .

We've been sitting here for almost an hour and Horror kept making snarky comments to some fairy characters in the movie. They, surprisingly, cracked me up and he would smile every time I laughed at them. I'm not sure why I thought his comments were funny, but they warmed my soul for some reason. Maybe I'm catching a sickness? It is pretty cold in this castle so.. it's not the most idiotic idea... but wouldn't I feel cold then? Hm... maybe it's a fever? My head isn't warm though... shit I don't fucking know! It doesn't matter anymore.

*The movie is coming to an end, but suddenly there were more footsteps behind Horror and I. We look behind us and see boss making their way to the kitchen.*

" Oh morning boss. ", Horror and I say, with much different tones, his being enthusiastic and mine being dull. Oh well, I don't care any way.

" Morning. Is everyone awake? ", boss asks. *I shake my head in reply. Boss raises and "eyebrow" in question.*

" Who isn't? Oh wait, I don't see Killer here. ", boss says, looking around the main room in search for the emotionless skeleton. *I hum in agreement.*

" Killer hasn't woken up yet, or maybe he has, but hasn't come out of his room. ", Horror says. *Boss nods in understanding. Horror and I turn our attention back towards the movie as a pair of footsteps follow the action, causing us to look behind us once more.*

" Ahh, there you are. Morning Kills. ", Horror says. *Killer waves without saying anything back and walks into the kitchen, starting up the kettle for everyone's coffee.*

" Morning boss. ", Killer says and boss hums in acknowledgment. *I watch as he prepares 4 coffee cups, 3 with different measurements of sugar and coffee and 1 cup without sugar.*

" What happened to you Killer? You're normally the first one awake, not the last. ", I ask and Horror frowns at my question. *I, as always, don't care about being sincere and not asking potentionally triggering questions, so I ignore his signal. Killer shrugs in reply.*

" I was awake. I just didn't feel like coming out of my room this time. I was feeling extra lazy to get out of bed right now. ", he says, smiling and shooting a piece sign towards me. *I roll my "eyes" at this and stop paying attention to him, instead looking at the TV again. Horror does the same shortly after.*

. . .

*Killer hands boss the coffee cup without sugar and milk and comes to sit by Horror and I on the couch, handing us our cups as well. Mine doesn't have any milk and I take it gratefully. We all continue to watch the movie, gradually sipping from our cups of coffee. The movie ends with the predictable "Heroes win and all piece is restored" ending and I stretch on the couch.*

" Alright you 3. I'm going to start the procedure now so we're going to the throne room for Frisk. ", boss says and we all nod in agreement. *We stand up from our seats and follow boss, down the same hallway, towards the throne room.*

. . .

*We're all standing in the throne room, looking down at the frightened child on the mattress.*

" Good morning, Frisk. Did you sleep well? ", boss asks and they stare up at us, shivering at boss's tone of voice.

" How do you know my name? Who are you? ", they ask with a quiver in their voice. *We all share the same amused grin and boss grabs Frisk with their tentacles. They yelp in surprise, their body shaking tremendously.

" That doesn't matter darling so could you possibly shut your face hole for me? Okay? Thanks. ", boss says, sarcasm flowing smoothly along their voice. *I find myself smiling as boss pulls them across the room with their tentacles.

Isn't this going to be tremendously fun?

. . .

Word count: 1291

Akagi's A/N
Yes, that's right. A double update is being bestowed upon you worthy mortals. Heheh! You all are always worthy and will always be worthy. Well, again not much else to say besides enjoy your day/night. Also if you're wondering what it is by me, it's day, late afternoon to be more specific. I have worked on these chapters for you all this afternoon so I do hope you enjoyed them.

This chapter is a teensy bit shorter than the previous one, but that's okay right? I also had a HorrorDust/MurderHorror moment in the beginning because, although context in a story is important, the whole point of the story is even more important. So I hope you liked that little moment!

Bye for now. Maybe I'll see you later, maybe I'll see you tomorrow. We'll see... we'll all see.


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