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Sans, had never done this before. He had never fused his Soul like that willingly. But he guess that this is an effect of the Glitch of the Timeline being buggy and all of that. Right now, he is in spirit form,

as his transparent silhouette is shown, along with Frisk, as they looked and see Asriel, the true form of Flowey, now as the so-called God of Hyperdeath, against Chara, his best friend and his brother, ever since Asriel he took him in, along with ...

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as his transparent silhouette is shown, along with Frisk, as they looked and see Asriel, the true form of Flowey, now as the so-called God of Hyperdeath, against Chara, his best friend and his brother, ever since Asriel he took him in, along with the other member of his family, his mother, Toriel, and his father, Asgore.

Asriel stepped forward, as he attempts to speak to Chara, his best friend.

"Chara, please we can-"

But Chara does not want to hear it, as he than spoke out.

"Shut up Asriel....You don't understand anything, don't you? Do you even know why all of this started?"

Sans, however, does, as he is well aware as to how this situation all started, as he than turns to Frisk, as his eye sockets glows blue, showing that, while they are now fighting Chara and are technically on the same side, this does not stop Sans from being angry at Frisk, who had caused the whole mess in the first place. And somehow, Sans is not the only monster of spirit form. Phantom Papyrus somehow appeared next to Sans and his own red eyes glowed, as he too stared angrily at Frisk, for all the stuff that he had done before. Frisk cannot help but look down in shame.

"That puny human you call 'friend'...Do you think I forced them to commit genocide? HA! Don't make me laugh"After doing the same 'pacifist' route over and over again, they eventually got bored...They did that on their own. The idiot just lacked the courage to finish at the very end. And only THEN I entered
They were the ones who killed everyone... by their own hand. I was just feeding from everyone's hate
If there's someone to blame here for everything... it's Frisk."

Frisk looked down in shame. He does not even attempt to argue at this sort of thing that Chara accused him of. As much as he would want to protest, he does not even try to justify it. In fact, in the way that Frisk sees it, Chara is right. And than, he hears Chara continue on with the explanation that he's saying to Asriel.

"Everyone portrays them as a pacifist child that wouldn't hurt a fly. But they are the ones who started the genocide. No one ever forced them to do it. I'm just trying to finish what they started...It makes me sick that they think that they're above consequences...That they can just toy around with everyone and get away with whatever they want...That's why all these weird events started to happen. They reset'd in a part where they weren't supposed to be able to. Creating all these 'errors'. And where do you think all that hate generated ended up? Right into me."

'So that is where all the hate came from.'

Sans thought to himself. It is due to the fact that Frisk is trying to defy the code of the entirety of existence, and through that, Frisk accidentally created Hate. And it seems that the Hate had affected Chara's mind.

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