Game Over

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Frisk was gone. Sans knew it. He knew that Frisk had vanished from their lives. Frisk, he sacrificed his own existence, all in an effort to bring back Asriel. He looks down at his hand, and he felt his fist clenched. He cannot believe it. He had confirmed with Gaster and Papyrus, the one that is still-alive, and both of them had memories of Frisk replaced by Chara. He even talked to Toriel and Asgore, and their memories are also replaced. This made Sans distressed, as he clenched his fists in pure sadness and anger, as he spoke out.

"Frisk...I...I cannot believe..."

He than lessened his hands, as he looked down. Even though his memories were somewhat altered, most of them were still intact, due to Sans' high amount of Determination being able to resist it as much as it can, and the fact that the Animosity within Sans' Soul reinforced the protection. Out of everyone else, he kept his memories, along with the Phantom Papyrus, who's memories had also been reinforced just as much as Sans, as their memories had Chara in some of them, but most of them still had Frisk's, and they still remembered what really happened. And speaking of Phantom Papyrus, he is now talking to the Phantom Papyrus.


Sans nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"I do...I still miss him, even now. I...I never had the chance to tell him that...he was a truly good kid. After all this time, I had...I had felt like he does not deserve forgiveness for all that he had done to me, back in the Past RESET, where I had been forced ti kill everyone, even you. Even smashing the RESET really didn't fix things for me. I just wanted I truly did think that he was a good kid, and how sorry I was...for never forgiving them sooner, for not believing them sooner."

Phantom Papyrus also felt sad, as he than hugged his brother. Even Phantom Papyrus felt this guilty, as he never thought that Frisk would willingly sacrifice himself hugs to bring back Chara, who can bring back Asriel from Bete's control. Sans felt a tear of purple magic leak out of his eyes, as he felt so much immense grief and guilt for how he thought of Frisk all of this time. He than looked at the reflection in a he than saw himself. His tear-stricken face, his eyes covered in shadows, as one red eye and one purple eye was glowing, as Sans than felt his fist clenched, as purple flames covered his hands, the feeling of rage appeared within him for the first time.

"Frisk...your sacrifice won't be in vain. You gave us a chance to bring back Asriel, the best possible chance to bring back Chara. we will make sure that Bete will pay for all that she had done. That all of us will promise. That me and Papyrus can promise. We will average matter what."

Sans declared, before he than turned around, and he wiped his tears off of his sleeve, before he than teleported to where Chara is at.

Of course, Chara had died before. He had been killed by Asriel, due to the fact that he had showed the locket, although it did not go as planned.

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