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In the Omega Timeline, there is a lot of shaking and explosions, as the denizens held onto one another, due to the battle within the MainFrame, as well as the fact that 100 is causing a lot of damage with his shout. Everyone was panicking and crying, and Core Frisk is doing the best that she can to try and calm everyone down. And they are not the only ones trying to keep everything under control. Error and Ink's accident children, along with Tint, they are also trying their best to calm everyone down. But even they felt nervous at this, as they have no idea how to deal with this.

"Everyone, please don't panic! It's okay, whatever is happening, it is not coming for us!"

Core!Frisk said, as she does all that she can to calm everyone down as much as she can. But it is rather difficult to do so, due to the fact that the shaking and explosions from outside is causing everyone to go out of the way and become scared of what it is that is happening. They are grabbing at a structure next to them in order to keep themselves balanced, they are hugging their friends and lovers next to each other, and they are even hugging their own kids. Palette even has to fly into the air and unleash his positivity aura in order to try and calm them down. But then, during the panic, their souls had gotten sucked out of their bodies, and when that happened, they became unmoving and emotionless, almost similar to ink, except that they do not respond to stimulus. But oddly, Killer Sans, the original Killer Sans, he vanished at the spot, almost like he is taken.

Gradient, along with the others, are now next to Underswap Sans' house, as they are doing their best to brave against the shaking that is happening.

"Man, this is insane!! All of this shaking, despite the fact that we are inside of the void!!"

Paperjam said, as he and Gradient are grabbing onto a tree, with BlueScreen and Blueprint holding onto them. Bluescreen speaks on how scared he is, and Blueprint, having made a translator, holds a microphone over to him, as he can here what he is saying.

"Brothers, I'm so scared! I don't know what to do!"

Blueprint nodded his head, as he then spoke out to BlueScreen on what is happening.

"I know, BlueScreen. I too am scared of what is happening now. Even I have no idea what is causing this."

Paperjam, feeling rather mad, spoke out.

"Just what the hell is causing all of this! Is it Error404 in his stupid shenanigans or something?"

Gradient shook his head, as he spoke out to him.

"No, worse then that."

This made Paperjam, BlueScreen, and Blueprint turn to Gradient, as Blueprint spoke out.

"What do you mean by, worse then that?"

Gradient looked at his younger brothers and spoke out.

"While I was inside of the Digitial Sphere, I made a screen and saw what it is that had made the shaking in the first place. And it is something that actually was able to scare me."

He then turned around, and swiped at the screen with his stylus, before stepping back, and showed a familiar hulking skeleton with red DT Runes, red sharp teeth, and red eyes, as all 3 of his other brothers looked a little bit scared at what he is seeing before his very eyes.

"What the fuck is that?"

Paperjam said, as Gradient spoke out.

"I...I spoke to VHS Sans, and he told me that this...this thing is called, 100. Apparently, he is the older brother of Error404 and Alpha, as well as a being that is stronger than Error404 himself."

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