Twin Sanses at Near Death

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Delta puts his hand onto his chin, as he than began to think of who to recruit next, as he than spoke out.

"I know of 2 other people that we can bring. One of them is named, Geno."

This made Sans confused, as he spoke out.

"What type of Sans is that?"

Delta than spoke out.

"Like you, he was in the genocide run, and went through countless Genocides to stop the human, and like you, took a very risky move. But unlike you, instead of killing Monsters, he instead injected himself with Determination, so that he can take over the RESET that the human has access to. However, he failed, and is now stuck in the Save Screen. We are, pretty close, but he hates a version of us that has killed Papyrus, especially as Dust Sans. But I'll try and talk to him about you before he can meet you. You can come with me, but you need to hide in the shadows of the Save Screen."

Dust nodded, as he than spoke out.

"Okay. Is there another one?"

Delta thought of it and spoke out.

"Yes, actually, there is another one. Color from Othertale. He is a Sans that absorbed the 6 Human Souls, and became way more powerful than before. Hopefully, he can come along to help us."

Dust looked down at his hands, before he spoke out.

"Absorbing the 6 Human Souls, huh? Must mean he is stronger than me. But where are they?"

Delta than looks at Dust and spoke.

"Geno's in the Save Screen, and Color is in a Void. And in both cases, it is because they nearly got killed. In Geno's case, it is merely because he had been killed by the Human after it ended in the usual way, and for Color, it is because he used his strongest attack, which broke his body a little bit too much to the point that he is falling apart."

This made Dust stunned, as he spoke out.

"If they're in these places, how can we get them out?! I mean, Geno and Color are nearly dead, and they are both inside of one place that prevented their death. And if they get out, they'll die!"

Delta spoke out.

"Huh, you caught on pretty fast. Don't worry, though, I have an idea. We can heal their bodies. Just go an AU that has the most healing, and give it to each other them. For Color, we'll give him the Butterscotch Pie, and for Geno, he'll have a Butterscotch Pie as well. Of course, their wounds are not gonna heal, but it will be enough for them to get out, alive. And also, since both need Physical Matter, you can use the food of your AU in order to give them some, so that their bodies are much more durable and harder than before. Although this does not mean that they are able to be alive still. It just makes them be able to handle their powers much more easier worn more physical bodies.

Sans nodded, as he than looked down at his hands and spoke out.

"Well, do you want me to get some food that are able to give them physical matter?"

Delta nodded his head, as he than spoke out.

"That will be good enough for them both. Besides, we are going to need them incase we run into Nightmare's group, or at least a member that er both cannot fight alone."

Dust nodded, as he than spoke out.

"Let's meet up in the place that we both had fought before, so that we can start our trip. And also, I need to say goodbye to Papyrus and Gaster, just in case I am gone for too long."

Delta nodded, as he than walked out of Grillby's, before Dust decided to pay his and Delta's tab, since they are finished eating food. Dust then teleports to try and find food for both Sanses. He looks down at himself, as he than spoke out.

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