Unusual Partnership

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It has been a week, since Systemtatic decided to make a partnership with Dust's group. And needless to say, it is stressful for Dust to say the least, at least to his group, the ones that Error404 would consider to be useful. Due to a promise that Error404 has made, in which it involves separating the AUs from the fused state that it is in, they began to work together in order to separate the AUs. The ones that are considered to be useful members are Red, Dustbelief, Killer, Vivian, Dream, Dust, and Gradient. The ones that are not useful in Error404's eyes, the rest, are told to stay out of it, but will allow help when it is because Dust needs them for something.

And of course, having work with Error404 is a stressful thing for Dust, due to the fact that he is in the presence of a version of him, that is to quite literally the strongest version of him yet, and he partners with him. But Dream, although he can sense that Error404 here is being truthful and really does want to partner with him, Dust is beginning to wonder as to why this is the case. Did Error404 allow himself to truly be revealed, his hands now spread out and showing that he has nothing, or did he simply manipulate his emotions enough to bypass Dream's empathy powers? Dust is not sure, due to the fact that Error404 is a complicated character all on his own. He has no idea what is inside of Error404's mind to make him be like this. And of course, Error404 has told Dust to use the powers that he has absorbed from before, but Dust revealed that they are gone in his normal form, and the only way that he can use them again is in his Nightmare Mode, which has not been affected by the MainFrame glitching for some reason. Error404 decided to try and fix that problem by restoring the MainFrame and give it back to him, although Dust doubts that he can pull this off.

Nightmare and Shattered clearly hate that they are gonna be siding with Dust and his group, due to being from Team Hope, and the fact that Dream is here. But there is nothing that they can do, as Error404 wants what he wants, and thus, wants Dream as a part of the group, for he has need of him. And of course, there is Error and Fatal_Error. Fatal still treats the members of Team Hope like normal, friendly and all of that. But Error hates Fatal and the members of Team Hope. But more importantly of all, he hates Gradient so immensely, due to the fact that he is a spawn that is accidentally created by Error, and wants nothing more then to kill him. But Error404 simply refuses to let that happen, and continues to watch over Gradient.

Error404 has a strong interest in Gradient, due to the fact that he has both the power of Error and Ink,
And unlike both of his siblings, he is able to inherit their power perfectly on both sides, perfectly, meaning that he can do just as much as both Ink and Error. And having both Ink and Righteous teach them all that they know, at least when it involves teaching him how Error does what he does back as his normal self, combined with the immense LV he gained from destroying the copies of the AUs back in Righteous' Multiverse, it also aided in how strong his powers become. But the one thing that he is not able to be taught, was Blue Magic. Yes, Righteous taught him, but only with words and not with actual demonstration and training from someone as strong as Error404, and does not even know how to manipulate pixels like Error404 can do it. Well, Gradient can manipulate pixels, but only based on what his 2 parents taught him, but not by how Error404 taught him. And this is what Error404 is doing with Gradient now.

 And this is what Error404 is doing with Gradient now

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