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Dust had to spend an entire hour, a freaking hour, to try and clear up the mess that Endertale was in, as he speaks to his Endertale counterpart. He talked about the situation that he is in, that everyone is in, and needless to say, Endertale Sans was not too happy to hear about it. Luckily, he does not blame Dust for this sort of thing, as this is far beyond Dust's control, and is even thankful for getting as many people out of there as they could. And there is like, so many monsters and humans from Endertale that had entered the Omega Timeline, possibly 1,000 on both sides. This is a huge benefit, especially for Dream Sans, who is now able to use the large number of denizens to further empower himself with the Positivity, in order to take down Nightmare and Shattered.

"I swear, some of the normal versions of me that I am with are annoying."

He looks down at the bottle of ketchup in his hand, and he shook his head a little bit, before he then spoke out to himself.

"Well, at least I get to have a break from what is happening, I guess. After all, it is very distressful in what it is that I am going through."

Dust then turned around, after he pays for the ketchup, asked the Grillby is the place he is in to put it on his tab, obviously, before he then teleported back to his room. He sighed, as he sat down onto the bed, and lay there, clearly in a very stressful mood in what it is that has happened. But luckily, he gained some good news from Core.

"Well, at least Core is allowing me to take a break from what it is that I am going through. I don't know how much I can handle going through such a job like this. I almost don't know if I can take it."

As Dust sat down onto the bed, he hears a door open. He closed his eye sockets, clearly not in the mood to talk right now, nor be in the mood to notice who is coming. But as he closed his eyes, suddenly, he felt his skeletal hand being grabbed on by something that seems to be very...soft. This made Dust open his eyes, as he began to raise up from the bed that he is on, before he then looks to see who it is that has decided to come to his room.

 This made Dust open his eyes, as he began to raise up from the bed that he is on, before he then looks to see who it is that has decided to come to his room

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It is none other than Braixen herself. And it seems she is looking at Dust with a worrier expression on her face. She can tell that there is something wrong with him. Dust then looks at Braixen, who looks worried at him continuously, before he then spoke out.

"Oh, heya Braixen."

He then raises his hand and rubs onto her head, as Braixen closed her eyes and accepts the head rubbing, as Dust spoke out.

"Don't worry about me. I'm just exhausted from what it is that has happened, that is all. Just very tired from going through the Multiverse in order to bring the denizens of the AUs into the Omega Timeline. I'm not hurt or worse for wear anywhere, Braixen."

Braixen almost seems relived, but she still feels worried for her beloved companion. She then goes onto the bed, and goes next to him, before he then hugs him. This made Dust surprised. But he smiled, as he then hugs her back. For some unknown reason that even he cannot explain, Braixen seems to be able to make him feel a little bit better. He then raises the stick off of her tail, so that he does not accidentally snap it when hugging her. Brazen nuzzles into Dust's ribcage, feeling much more comfortable then before, as Dust smiled contently, and he lays back onto the bed's pillows, clearly satisfied with what he is feeling now.

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