Chapter 1

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Tiny ants creeping up through the thick snow. Bugs threatening to invade the fruitful land of the Hyxa mountains. Their blue and silver flag flapped in the harsh winds, contrasting against the pure white all around. Around 15 of them, Dev counted from atop the stone tower.

The hive mind awoke like a shot of lightning through her brain.

15 strangers making their way to the southern gate. Amory flag. Should we kill or intercept? Dev questioned through the hive mind.

Her question created a buzz within the complex neuronal connections.

Quickly the King answered back, Do not kill on sight. Let them speak their intent.

Taking a deep breath to suppress her nerves, Dev hopped down from her crouched position on the tower. Landing swiftly on the closed gates, she surveyed them. Tracking, smelling, analyzing. They could take down 15 of them easily if it came to it.

Travis, you heard our orders. You, Krystal and Sai intercept them. Let them speak. Dev ordered. She stayed back to watch them carefully, ready to pounce if her comrades were endangered.

As quickly as she sent out her orders through the connection, all three silhouettes left their posts. Forming a triangle, Travis at the front, they waited for the group. The wind blew around them, swirling the snow menacingly. Three pillars of strength, armed to the teeth. Their obsidian scaled armor glittered in the sunlight, the scarlet pommel of their swords glowing like blood sprinkled on a sheet of white.

Minutes felt like a lifetime. The ants grew. Scattering like parasites. Finally, the group reached the three Drakon warriors. Dev watched on alert, positioning her body to swoop down if needed. Her gloved hand gripping the metal gate, she watched Travis's large shoulders remain tense as one member of the troop took a step forward.

"My name is Ambassador Amory. This is my expedition crew. We are here in peace." A powerful and controlled sound. Dev couldn't see his face well from this distance but the sun reflecting off the impeccable silver buttons of his jacket almost blinded her. She had been right about their flag. Amory House.

The Ambassador tried to take another step forward but was stopped by all three soldiers quickly reaching for their swords. He took a step back, his hands raised. Short chestnut hair flowed in the wind.

"We mean no harm. We were sent to discover any life source in these mountains."

I need information, now, Dev. The King bellowed through the hive mind, startling her.

They are here on an expedition mission. Trying to map out the mountains. What do you want to do with them? She replied with a gulp that he couldn't hear.

The King's anger resonated through the connection tying all Drakons together. She shivered, anticipating his response.

If something happens to them, the Amory House will send soldiers to investigate. Be hospitable, do not show them anything unnecessary. Who's their leader?

He said his name was Ambassador Amory. I'm assuming direct descendant from the line.

Bring him to me. He ordered sharply.

Another shiver ran through her spine. Travis will-...

Before she could continue her message, the King interrupted her abruptly. No! You, Dev, bring him to me. Make sure he survives the trek. Unharmed. Nonnegotiable.

The power of his message made her wince. Understood. She felt the King's presence take a step back from the hive mind. Still omnipresent, watching from the shadows. He had spoken his orders.

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