Chapter 20

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The three Drakons stood beneath the entrance light. Their glistening armor both reflected and absorbed the brightness of the room. Felix should have noted their air of violence and menace. Or how armed to the teeth they seemed. But all he saw was those onyx eyes, framed by short unruly ashen hair.

His knees threatened to wobble at the sight. She was alive. Alive.

Something he couldn't describe rose under his skin, pulsing to get free. It was a blessing to see her alive even though something was different. Her eyes, he noticed. A dark veil covered them. Like they had witnessed unspeakable horrors. He had only seen a handful of what she had gone through but knew the moment he left the mountains, it hadn't been over.

A heaviness sat in her gaze. He knew that look, had seen it many times before after announcing sad news to family and kin. Grief. It painted itself in broad strokes across her features. But she had spoken. A sound more akin to an earthquake but she had spoken nonetheless.

He hadn't realized he had said it aloud when his family turned to him.

"Why are you surprised that someone has talked?" Samuel asked with a strange look on his face.

Right. He had let too much emotion escape. Shoulders straightened. Poised and calm. He had to reign in the excitement and relief of seeing her again.

"Welcome." He announced. It required far too much energy to control his voice.

"What are those dastardly things on your necks?" his brother Daniel grimaced softly.

A spark of anger flashed behind his carefully controlled mask.

Dev's cold eyes moved slowly to look his brother up and down. He had never witnessed that coldness before. Something had happened. He had to force himself not to make his way to her.

In a reptilian manner, she cocked her head, the neckbrace clasping her chin with sharp claws sparked to life. An orange glow emanated from the metal, raising the temperature in the room by a few degrees.

"What the fuck." Daniel cursed, taking a step back.

The Drakon to Dev's right stepped forward, long black locks spiraling behind her. She glared at Dev but he could see the love that also sat there.

"What the fuck is the matter with you." she hushed.

Dev's neckbrace dimmed back down to its inert form.

"Excuse her, she's a little... on edge." the black haired Drakon smiled warmly.

"Using our powers out in the open now, are we?" Felix teased if only to lower the tension in the room even though he knew his brothers would have opinions about it.

Dev finally brought her gaze back to him and something flared in that emptiness.

"We've had a change in leadership." she simply said in that gravely voice of hers.

Sensing the change in her companion's mood, the raven haired Drakon stepped forward again. "My name is Krystal. This is Dev, she's our leader in this expedition and war discussion and this is Travis, our map reader. We have been chosen to meet you all as per your request to discuss matters of an attack on these lands."

"You made the flashy one the decision maker." one of his brother's -god knew which one- grumbled under his breath.

Myriam stepped forward, Caleb bouncing her hip. "You all made quite the fast journey, we were not expecting you for a couple more days. Thank you for your presence. We shall provide rooms and food for all of you for the entirety of your stay here. I'm Myriam." she pointed behind her, "I see you've met my brother-in-law Felix. The surly one is my husband Samuel, the incredibly rude one is Daniel. I apologize for their behavior, sometimes I wonder if anyone has bothered to teach them manners."

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