Chapter 5

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The ground shuddered beneath them.

Dev and the Ambassador had barely made a few steps before the earth rumbled. A burst of energy pulsed in Dev's veins. Warmth coiled and surrounded her vessels, purring under her skin. One of the volcanoes was activating whether by magic or naturally, an event embraced by the Drakon tribe. The mountains blessing them with their vital energy had always been celebrated. A small smile twitched at Dev's lips. Hopefully she could rid herself of the Ambassador so she could finally spread her wings and watch the lava explosions from the sky.

The hive mind buzzed with renewed energy. Spiraling in her head, whispers and chatter mimicked the feeling spreading in her veins.

"What in the world is that?" the Ambassador gasped behind her.

She peaked over her shoulder to his blanched face, eyes searching the ground for answers. Right. How could she explain this to him? Did he even know about volcanoes?

Looks like Hydra is sprouting a new head. Just in time for our new guests! Sai exclaimed, louder than most voices.

Maybe the sight will scare them to silence for a while. Krystal retorted.

One can only hope. Dev snorted, eyes focused on the Ambassador who bent down to graze his fingers through the snow.

Ziska, who had been posted near Hydra for the upcoming week, chuckled through the general link, Anyone not in position should come over here. The sparks are going to fly real soon. We're out of whiskey if anyone minds.

Many voices pipped up and bickered back and forth, making plans to visit the site as quickly as their shift was over. Dev's heart pierced a little. They were still days away from the stronghold on foot and she couldn't leave her charge unattended. The wings tucked under the skin of her back twitched excitedly, wishing to burst out and be free. But they couldn't. Her skin itched as her boney wings stretched uncomfortably. Trying to be inconspicuous, Dev rolled her shoulders to relieve some of the pressure but winced as the injury on her shoulder flared.

She darted her eyes quickly to see if he had noticed, but the Ambassador was still crouched on the ground, a deep line creasing between his eyebrows. His shoulders were stiff with worry. He had nothing to worry about, Hydra was the furthest volcano from them. Yet again, he didn't know that and there was no way to communicate that information to him.

His worried eyes shot up to meet hers, startling Dev, "Are you able to describe to me what is going on? Maybe draw in the snow?"

Dev cocked her hip, her hand hovered over the pommel of her sheathed sword. Drawing in the snow wasn't a terrible idea. However, telling him that a volcano was erupting soon wasn't the most reassuring thing to tell him. A panicked human wasn't helpful and it would slow them down. She shrugged the one unwounded shoulder as a sign of nonchalance. It wasn't difficult to achieve as volcanic eruptions were wonders. The fire magic in her blood sparked, growing restless.

The crease between his eyebrows deepened, "You're either not worried or you don't want to tell me what's happening."

Dev's eyebrow quirked up. "Not knowing what was happening" was missing from his list.

The Ambassador sighed as he rose to his full height, "Don't act like you don't know what's going on. You didn't even flinch when the ground shook."

Dev cracked her neck, grinding her teeth. His incessant observation and analysis of her was getting deeply under her skin. He wanted to know? Fine. Let him worry about lava instead of her every little flinch. Dev unsheathed her sword and slashed the snow in the shape of a triangle. She held back on the flame magic of her blade, but the imminent eruption made it more difficult. The fire urged to be let out. Above the apex of the triangle, she attempted to draw clouds.

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