Chapter 11

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The King waited for them in the courtyard. Armored hands clasped behind his back, he was turned, eyes peered at the rising sun over the snow covered trees. Dev's breath caught in her chest. His eyes were hidden from her. There was no way of knowing his mood this early in the morning.

She felt the Ambassador's body shift behind her. It seemed every time he was with her, he loosened up. Let his shoulders down a bit. After seeing the King, he was all ridges and muscle. Back straight, chin high enough to convey power but not enough to threaten. A stance years in the making.

There was little room to bask in the beauty of the sunrise. Dev's entire attention was fixated on the broad back of an unstable man. He seemed calm; seemed the important word.

"Good morning." he announced, keeping his attention to the sky. "I hope you had a good rest after your journey." It was difficult to distinguish who between them he referred to.

Dev took a step to the side, giving the Ambassador room to move forward. "Good morning, your Majesty. Yes, thank you for the hospitality. It was yards better than the last few nights I spent." Gone was the excited voice from earlier, the Ambassador was back to professional arrogance. Something about it bothered her.

The King chuckled, "Yes, I'm sure it was. I invited you out here so we could have a small stroll, if you wouldn't mind. I feel like our separation was... hasted last night. There is plenty more for us to talk about."

Ambassador Amory walked a few steps in the snow behind the King, keeping a polite distance. "Of course, your majesty."

"Come." the King ordered, setting forth towards the woods. Dev's attention left the King for a few heartbeats. There wasn't much to see of the Ambassador's back but it felt strange to not have him analyze her every breath. She wasn't entirely sure what that feeling was.

They made their way to the edge of a fjord. The mountain abruptly cut off to an open frozen space. The sunrise painted magnificent colors of orange and pink, streaking together around the bright yellow sun. The light reflected off the ice to create halos of colors around them. Being away from the trees, however, caused the frigid wind to howl violently around them.

"What a beautiful sight." the Ambassador marveled, hiding away the excitement she knew bubbled under his skin. It sightly disappointed her to miss it.

"I love watching the sunrise of the fjord. It was the main reason behind building the stronghold here. My mate loved to wake up every morning to catch it." A heavy silence followed.

"I can understand why." he nodded. He didn't seem to nod at the beauty but at the underlying statement.

The King hummed, inhaling a deep breath. "The sort of view you'd like to share with those closest to you. To paint memories for future generations."

"Do you have any heirs, your Majesty?" the Ambassador asked quietly, skirting rough terrain.

The King paused, a few seconds too long for her liking, "Yes. I do."

"It would be an honor to meet them, if that were to happen."

"I appreciate the thought, Ambassador, but I would have to politely decline. You see, I'm rather protective of my people, including my children."

"Of course." he bowed his head slightly, "Children are a boon and must be protected at all costs."

"Do you have any of your own?"

"No, unfortunately, I do not. A nephew on the way, however. I also helped raise some younger siblings."

The King hummed. "Then you do not understand."

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