Chapter 6

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Her eyes had been too focused on the goal before them that she had let too much distance fall between her and her mate. She hugged the wall to the best of her capacity, bracing her knees against the earthquake. The rock cut into the skin of her cheek as she pressed her face. The Ambassador was more than an arms length away, his entire body shaking from the effort. He closed his eyes and positioned himself the best way he could. She had to get closer to him. If he dropped this far from her, she could do nothing about it.

She started moving slowly towards him, despite the growling ground. The Ambassador's eyes snapped open, "Don't. Keep moving towards your goal. I'll be fine. Get yourself to safety."

His words warmed her chest with a flare of anger. It wasn't herself they were trying to secure but him. But there was no way to communicate that without breaking one very important rule. Not a rule at this point, a law.

The earthquake kept rumbling, stronger than before. The ledge under their feet cracked from the pressure their bodies created. Barbed wire latched onto Dev's heart. The air came with difficulty into her cramped lungs. Not out of effort but out of sheer panic. They had to get out of there now. No coherent thoughts. None. Her brain entirely scattered and blazing in hot panic.

Her lack of ability to formulate a plan failed her.

The ledge under the Ambassador crumbled to dust.

Without a thought, Dev burst out and grasped his wrist. His body swung and collided with the wall under her. Her left hand gripped the rock as best as she could, but the pressure from the Ambassador's body ripped open her wound. Acute pain shot through her arm and she almost lost grip on the wall. A strong burst of wind collided with them. He tried to kick himself up but any foothold turned into dust. His movement worsened the pain in her arm, her fingers barely holding onto the rock at all.

A little bit of superhuman strength, just a drop. It was possible, wasn't it? One small swoop to bring him back to the ledge. She could always blame it on the adrenaline afterwards.

Her panicked eyes met with his and a different kind of lightning shot through her body. The shadow of a grin hovered over his lips, "I told you to let me heal your arm." he dared to tease.

Dev didn't have it in her to be angry or annoyed. Her mind shot to life, spinning too quickly with the possible consequences. She had to save him. But if he suspected anything, the King would have her head. Then he would have the Ambassador's and it would all amount to nothing.


The ground growled. Rocks and pebbles showered them. A quick glance at her left hand to find a better grip was her mistake. A small moment of inattention.

Her right hand slipped.

Most would describe a terrifying moment such as that to go by as if in slow motion. But that was a lie. Had it been in slow motion, she would have acted. Could've done something. Anything. But there was nothing to do as her mate slipped from her grip and plummeted at alarming speed towards the icy infested waters below. A silent scream bubbled up Dev's throat, forever trapped.

Her wings twitched wildly under her skin, nearly painfully. Grounding her teeth together, the King's words swirled in her mind. No wings. No wings. No wings. But he would die! He couldn't die. She had just met her mate and he was slipping between her fingers. Her body froze in panic. Two sides of her body at war with itself. The King's orders weren't only final but law. Her body tried to fight his words, but couldn't. Desperation clawed at her chest. Her own claws sank into the rock. Breathing through her teeth, she forced her body to comply and made a choice.

She pushed herself off the ledge and dove through the air after her mate just in time to see his body impact with the water below. His body formed a distinct hole in the sheet of ice. A hole Dev was aiming for. Her entire body ached from her decision but there was no time to think.

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