Chapter 11: Inside

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Unknown POV

Everything didn't make sense, why are they looking for a proper way to handle this affair, it's as if they wanted war to be the last method. It's clear that we have already established that. No moves were happening, nor did they try to get more people to come to their place.

"They're acting strange, they weren't like this when we saw them kill our neighbours." Reported one of my assistants.

"For now, don't do anything else, we don't want them to know that we are capable of doing things which they haven't studied or know of. Just watch them and study them."

"Yes sir."

Eliza's POV

That voice, what were they talking about...

"Eliza? Are you alright?"

I slowly shook my head, my entire body felt burned. I felt Enders hands on my left hand, and placed my other hand on top of his. Smiling but my eyes were still kept closed.

"We should let her rest. Ender, watch her will you?" Petra asked and left us both alone.

"I didn't know, i should've known... I'm sorry Eliza."

"It's fine," my voice was croaky, my throat felt very dry.

"Here," Ender passed me some water and I sipped as relief washed over me.

"Sleep. You need to rest."

I needed to know if it was going hurt me anymore, what was that conversation that I heard. It wasn't me, surely it was another Numberk, a leader perhaps.

Can't you see that we do not wish to harm you? Even if you did all that to me I will still not ask everyone to come and get you.

Why not?

Because we weren't in the wrong.

Yes you are you vicious murderers! Because of that stupid commander of yours all of our friends are killed.

No! I felt myself grew stronger and more certain, almost like I was overpowering it more than it was before.

All of you are misunderstanding the situation, we didn't choose to do that we didn't know they were putting the real thing into the simulation! Why don't you go and further research then you go on and attack the right people!

There's was just silence, almost as if it was just myself again. I opened my eyes, not being able to sleep. I was tired but I didn't want to rest when everyone is trying hard to find a solution. A gentler solution. I was about to get up when Enders hand was intertwined with mine. I needed to find the solution, because it was in me.

We need to talk, to understand each other. Please, I just don't want anyone to be killed because of some mere misunderstanding.

Fine, what?

You know for an ancient creature you sure talk like a normal human.

I adapt to things quicker than others of my kind. Let's say i'm like the genius in your planet.

Hm, interesting. The main reason was because you wanted to get close to us and then give back the information back to your queen or king or what leader?


There's something you're hiding aren't you?

Look i'm just going to tell you what you need to know.


Though there's something i'm curious about.

What about?

Your feelings is much stronger than I thought it would be. I've never been in a human body who possessed such enormous amount of emotions.

Really? I thought that it was normal, so that was why I felt calmer the other time I hugged Ender.

You two erm, what do they call it on earth, er was it loik or like or-


Yeah that's it! So do you?

I looked at Ender who was still holding onto my hands and sleeping soundly.

I can feel your emotions you know, it's not a one way change where only I affect you, but you can affect me too. And I can tell that you do love him and he does too.

You know if you didn't force your pain on me we could've been friends.

Haha, please but for now, please just don't provoke me, I don't know what I might just do to you or your Ender. Now that they know I am in you, i'm in a greater risk. My master will find me and another will be replaced in you and trust me, you wouldn't have a chance to have a little chat with it.

Fine then, just please, don't make me do things to Ender that would kill me.

I'm afraid I can't promise you that my dear.

"Eliza, are you awake? What's wrong?" I blinked my eyes a couple of times before I looked at him.

Ender's POV

She's been awake, I could feel her moving slightly here and there. I turned to look at her and noticed that her eyes were open and there were burning orange. I was afraid that she would be aggressive again but I decided to just calmly asked her.

"Yeah i'm good I mean i'm awake." She said hesitantly when her eyes changed to her green ones.

"I was so worried.."

"I know you are, but please, take good care of yourself before me. The next time, if I ever become like that, just leave me alone and stay away from me. I wouldn't now what it will do to you whilst in my body. I can't bear it if I hurt you Ender."

I only came and cupped her cheeks and kissed her gently. I could feel her lips was slightly dry, I licked and kissed her more. Each kiss become more and more desperate and needing. Her arms was wrapped around my neck and caressing my hair as we closed up the space between us.

"Ender, we need to stop." Both of us catching our breaths.

"I'm just so scared that I will hurt you." She said as she pulled me tightly. I breathed in her scent, leaving a kiss on her neck.

"I know you won't do anything to hurt me, you're a strong girl. I know you are, ever since you were born." I smiled placing my forehead on hers. I kissed her one more time before I tried to pull away.

She pulled me again to a more passionate kiss.

"Sleep with me."

I raised a brow at her.

"No not that sleep, just normal sleep."

"I know." I gave her a cheeky smile as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I love you, you know that right? I will do everything to protect you." She whispered, I could feel her breaths on my face.

"That's my line." I replied kissing her eyes as both of us fall asleep.

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