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Your POV
It had been a week since I took the scholarship exam for Kei L's Art College. It was my ideal college. Only high class or smart people could get in there.

"NUNA YOU'VE GOT A PACKAGE" my brother scream. My lil bro. I ran downstairs and opened the package.
"Is mom and dad at home?" I asked my brother.
"Nope." As soon as he replied I yelled.

"What the fvck?" My lil bro cursed.
"Shut up high schooler!" I scolded him and he just focused on the movie.

At night, I told my mom about the news and told her that the scholarship was one packet with the place I'll live in.

A week before I entered my school, I moved to the new apartment. I bet nobody lived here because it was like just-renovated apartment.

There were 2 rooms. I got the key for room number 2 so I got in and unpacked my things.

The first day was so tired so I decided to just stay at the apartment. I was curious about room number 1. I tried to open it but couldn't.

"Maybe the owner kept the key." I guessed and left it.

I went outside to eat dinner and when I was on the way to my apartment, someone bumped into me and just ran away.

"YA!! YOU JERK!!" I yelled but he just ran away. I saw there were some people ran after him.

"A gangster uh?" I ignored it and went back. I bet I was too tired so as I lied on my bed, I fell asleep.

A week passed and it was the time I went to school. I took a bus to my school. As soon as it was in front of the gate, I saw familiar figure.

I ran to him and slapped his back.

"A-yo-yoda~" a tall guy with extra big ears and big eyes looked at me with wtf-face. His face soon changed when he recognized me.
"Oh? Kitty!!" He yelled but I covered his mouth as fast as I could.

"Don't call me that" I glared at him.
"Hehe... you passed the exam?" I nodded.
"Good girl" he caress my head
"Where's the principal office by the way?" I asked.
"Let me send you there kitty" he whispered the 'kitty'.

Why he called me kitty?
Because I had a not-so-petite-body but because of his 'long' body, I looked so petite beside him so he called me kitty like his kitten in our childhood.

Why I called him Yoda?
Because of his big ears.

We finally arrived there. I thanked him and went inside.

"안녕하세요.." I bowed 90° to the principal.
"I am-"
"Lee Jin, right? Sit down" she interrupted me.
"Ne..(yes)" I replied.
"I am Yoo Mi Rae. The principal of Kei L's Art School. I heard a lot of you from your principal in you high school. I heard that you are both good in drawing and dancing, but you can just choose 1 major. What will you choose?" She asked.
"I'll take the dance major." I replied
"Okay, so dance major" she took a paper and handed it to me.

"Here is your schedule. Your class started at 8.30 am. Do you have a part time job?" She asked.
"Not yet. I am going to find it. Why?" I asked back
"Uhm.. I am going to find a babysitter for my niece since her parents dies at an accident so I adopted her. Do you like kids?" I nodded. I love kids!
"Do you want to be a babysitter? I give you a high amount of salary." She said.
"I want it." I said happily. How lucky I am today. I thought.
"Okay, so you can work after school at 2pm. Here is my address and you can go to your class now." She ordered. I bowed 90° to her again and left the room.

"How is it?"
"Good" I loaded for a while.
"Wait, what are you doing here" he laughed.
"You are still like the old one. Buffering....." he acted like a fool.
"Bwahahaha. Pabo!" I teased him
"You are the one that pabo." He pinched my cheeks.
"By the way your 'baozi' just like the old one. I want to eat it" he acted like he wanted to eat my cheek. I moved away but bumped into someone.

"Shit! Where's your eyes" the man I bumped into scolded at me.
"Sorry sorry" I bowed at him.
"Jongin-ah be nice to our new student. She did it accidentally" Chanyeol looked after me.
"I get it hyung" the man replied and went away.
"Who is it oppa?"
"One of the member in my group. Wait, you call me oppa? Waaa... I miss that" he hugged me.
"You can miss me later~" he let go the hug.
"What major are you in"
"Woah our Jin can dance" he elbowed me
"Shut up!" I looked at my watch. 8.00 am. Good. I could ask Chanyeol to help me.

"Yoda! Accompany me to look around this school" I asked
"Call me oppa first"
"Yoda oppa~" He glared at me. I giggled.
"Hehe... just kidding. But pleaseeeeee" I whined. He couldn't stand on my whine so he just nodded.

After 20 minutes had a walk, we went to the cafeteria and took a rest.

"Gosh, why do you always told md to do hard things" he complained.
"Just habit yoda-ssi.." I teased him.
"Remember when we played at the swing when you were 6 and I was 8?" I nodded.
"You always told me to push you and at the last you fell down and cried so hard because your face were full with mud." We both burst into laughed. After chatted for a while, I realized thay there were 2 minutes left before my class.

"Yoda, I need to go now bye!" I said.
"Wait, you line id please?" I wrote at a tissue and handed it to him.

I ran to the my class and took a seat near the window. Then suddenly someone sat beside me. I turned my head and saw a long haired woman with familiar face..

"Kang.. Min?" I said carefully.
"Lee...Jin?" I curved a smile and hugged her
"You don't say that you went here..I think you went to Italy." I said
"Hehe.. I decided not to go first and become a freshman here.. with you. I heard you passed the exam."
"Yes" I winked at her.

Kang Min is my best best best friend in my high school life. I was so sad when she said she wanted to go to Italy because she was obsessed in design.

"How's your clothes?" I asked her.
"I made a lot but no one want to be the model.. do you want to be the model? You have a nice body dude..." she elbowed me.
"Hehe.. I am sorry but I have a job already.." I said.
"Nevermind.. call me if you have time" she winked at me.
"Okay miss.." I winked back and we laughed.

Soon the teacher came.

"Hi freshman... from now on, I'll be your homeroom teacher. Call me Mr. Jung. I hope you guys study hard and reach your dream here. Okay?" Our teacher spoke up.
"Okay!!" We all said in unison.

After the class, I went to the dance studio for my next lesson.

"Good morning freshman, I hope you guys enjoye this class and become a good choreographer in the future.. (bla blabla) *it is very long*..... you get it?" Finally it was finished.
"Yes sir" we said in unison.

"Here meet your senior and our school best dance team EXO." all the girls screamed to see 12 hot guys standed in front of us.

I scanned them one by one and saw Chanyeol. He waved at me and I waved back. He smiled ear to ear.

"Okay, stop fangirling now and we will start to learn a new dance. Now follow me" we obeyed and follow the dance step.

After an hour, we took a break. A tall girl with beautiful face came to me.

"Hi.. I am Ming Jia Jia. Call me Jia. I am a year older than you so don't mind to call me unnie." She introduced herself and handed me a water bottle.
"I am Lee Jin. Call me Jin. And thank you for the water." I replied. The teacher called us to practiced again.

Afted school, I went out the school and headed to the principal house.

"Jin!!" I heard someone called my name. I turned my back and saw Jia unnie ran towards me.
"What happen unnie?"I asked her.
"Nothing. I just wanted to have your line id." She handed me her phone and I typed my line ID.
"Thanks.. I'll text you. Bye" she bid a goodbye and went to her car. What a rich girl.

I took taxi and went to the principal house.
짠! 어때?
Jjan! How is it?
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