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My alarm wake me up and I forced to shut it down. Today we don't have the first class so we can do to college an hour late and I forget to tell me alarm.

I turn around and look at Jongin. His arms are still around my waist so I can't move freely. I poked the tip of his nose with my index finger. He didn't move. I forced to escape but he tightened the hug.

"Don't move" he said. He didn't even opened his eyes.
"Wae?" I asked.
"Just don't" he replied.
"Wae wae?" I asked again.
"I'll do something bad to you" he said.
"How bad?" I asked.
"Can you just shut up" he said and made my face kissed his chest.

He's shirtless and he always sleep shirtless. So I don't dare to moved a bit because my face touched his bare skin.

"Ya" he said
"Uhm?" I hummed.
"Are you alive?" He said and pulled out.
"Bwahhh... don't do that again" I said and panted.
"Your face.....red" he pointed at me.
"Because of you" I said.

Suddenly he moved and was on the top of me with push up position.

"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Exercise" he replied and started to push up.

When he leaned down, he tilted his head and our lips touched.

"Ya!" I half-yelled but then he leaned down again. He did it for 30 times and we kissed for 30 times.

Arrived at college, we separated. I went to have my class with Min. In the hallway, I met Jungkook.

He bend down to greet me and I did it too. Because we are senior and junior and we are not yet close.

"Yah, who is he?" Min shouldered me.
"Ugh? He's Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. Still a freshman" I replied.
"Really? But he's so cute. Too cute" she pouted.
"Ya! Don't cheat on my childhood friend" I hit her forehead.
"Akh..okay" she replied and caressed her forehead.
"But I can be his fan rigth?" She wirggled her eyebrows.
"Up to you" I sighed and she clapped.

Do you guys watch Toy Story? The monkey with cymbals that watching the CCTV at night. Do you know? Then she looks exactly like the monkey.

-skip to the last class-
Finally the last class, dance class. I heard that we will learn hard moves. I prepared myself and when the class ended, I blamed my friends becauses we just learn the basic.

"Guys!" Our teacher clapped twice and we went silent..
"We need someone to join the dance competition. National Competition and I decided that Kai will join it" our teacher said. Jongin appeared and standed beside our teacher.

"I trust you Kai. We wish you to win the competition" our teacher whispered to him and he nodded. He looked at me and I gave him thumbs up. He winked at me for a reply.

"It will be held next month and the class period will be shorten because of it" our teacher continued. We hollered in joy.

"DISMISS" our teacher yelled and the noise become louder.

I went to pack my things and suddenly Jongin leaned to the wall beside me. It makes me jumped a bit but then I joined him to leaned on the wall.

"I will be late tonight" he said.
"Okay" I replied.
"Just that?" He said.
"Then should I cry?" I said.
"Uhm..no. I hate to see you cry" he said and pouted.
"You're so ugly when you are pouting" I chuckled.
"Ya!" He half-yelled.
"I need to go to work now. Bye!" I said and patted his arm.

Suddenly he pulled my wrist and cupped my face.

"UWOOOOOO!! GET A ROOM" someone's hollered after he gave me a peck on my lips.
"Shut up Sehun" Jongin replied.
"Be careful" he messed my hair and ran away.

I exited the college and took the taxi to go to the principal's house.

"YooMi!!" I called her. She was sitting on the floor while playing with her toys.

She stretched her arm to make a signal for me to carry her.

"Where is oppa?" She asked after I carrier her.
"Oppa has to practice for his competition" I replied.
"Oh..okay! Let's play" she said while raising her barbie doll. I smiled and nodded.

-after a long long hour-
Yoomi didn't take nap. If I tell her to sleep, she'll whine and ended with crying. If Jongin is here,he'll handle it. Gosh, I need him.

"Yoomi-ya, unnie is so tired" I said while laying on her bed.
"Unnie don't sleep don't sleep" she said and pulled me shirt.
"But.." I looked at she. Her eyes are filled with tears.
"I'll make pancake" I said. Suddenly she smiled and jumping. What's with this girl.

I carried her and put her on the baby chair in the dining room. I went to the kitchen and started cooking.

"I am home" someone hollered and I heard the door closer.
"Uh, Miryu, do you want some pancake?" I asked.
"Chocolate flavour" she replied. I nodded and make another pancake.
"Done" I said as I plated the pancakes.

They didn't talk much and started to dig in.

"How's Baekhyun?" I asked and it makes her choked. I gave her a glass of water. She glared at me after she drank it.
"Sorry?" I said and wriggled my eyebrows.
"We are fine. I think he has a girlfriend already" she said and play wih the fork.
"Don't be sad. I'll ask Jongin" I said.
"Why Jongin?" She asked.
"He's popular. Maybe he knows Bacon" I said.
"He's Baekhyun not Bacon" she said. I rolled my eyes.

After washed the dishes, I showered YooMi and the principal arrived. I bid a goodbye and exited the house. No Jongin, no jams. I am so bored. I took a taxi and went to the apartment.

After paid the taxi fee, I exited the taxi and suddenly my stomach growled.

"Too lazy to cook. Let's go to the restaurant" I said to myself and started to walk. To the Chinese restaurant that I passed just now. I usually come there if I am lazy to cook.

I took a seat near the window and ordered Jjamppong (kind of spicy soup with noodles). I played with my phone while waiting for the food.

"May I sit here?" Someone said. I looked up and saw Jungkook.
"Oh, you may" I replied.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"I am craving for Jjangmyeon (black noodle)" he said.
"Have you order?" I asked. He nodded and the order come. We started to dig in.

We chat while eating and I got choked very often.

"Nuna, do you really love him?" He suddenly asked.
"Who? Jongin?" I said. He nodded.
"Of course. He's my boyfriend" I continued.
"Uhm...but may I..be the one you love to?" He said.
"What?" I widened my eyes.
"I like you, nuna. From the first time I saw you. At the cafe" he explained.
"Eh? That fast?" I said.
"It's love at first sight" he said.
"I know. I am not that stupid" I replied. He chuckled.
"How is it? May I?" He asked again and looked straight to my eyes.

What should I say? I don't hate him or love him. I don't want to hurt somebody's heart. Why is it so hard to be pretty?

(A/N: excuse me?)


(A/N: you? Pretty? Haha)

Shut up or I'll kick your butt.

(A/N: kick it and I'll cut your salary)

Sorry, forgive me.

(A/N: good)

Back to story..

"Nuna, nuna!" Jungkook called my name and slightly grabbed my hands.
"Uh? What?" I asked.
"I asked nuna just now. May I be your lover too?" He asked.
"Uh..uh..." I was flustered.


"Why are you here, Jin?"
Hello readers~~

Please read and vote my one shot story

Falling For Sasaeng if one of you guys are Chanyeol's fans.


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