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I was talking with Chanyeol when Jongin suddenly came. How could he know I am here?

"Oh, Jongin-ah! Why are you here?" Chanyeol asked.
"Jongin.." I said.
"Why don't you pick your phone?" He asked.
"I-I..." I sputtered and kept my phone.
"Let's go home and hyung, let's talk next time" he said and pulled my wrist.

I got into his car and there were only silent on the way home.

Arrived at the apartment, I went to my room. Jongin followed me.

"Why don't you pick the phone?" He asked. I didn't answer.
"Why do you ignore me?" He asked again.
"You did it first. After Yoo Mi's accident, I thought that you don't want to see me again" I said.

He suddenly back hugged me.

"I'm sorry. It was not your fault" he said.
"Let me go" I said and trying to loosen the hug but he tighten it.
"Please, forgive me. I know you didn't put it. It was Miryu" he said.
"Miryu?" I asked and faced him.
"She did it?" I continued.
"She didn't know that it was for Yoo Mi" he said. I frowned. He put his index finger on my frown.

"Forgive me?" He asked.
"No" I said and was about to escape but he grabbed my wrist and kissed me.

I can't resist his kiss and we kissed passionately. We stopped for a while to breath but he carried me and laid me on my bed.

We kissed again and he started to unbuttoned my shirt. I stopped him.

"Not now" I said.
"Sorry" he said and we kissed again.

Next morning, I felt something heavy on my feet. Jongin's feet was on the top of my feet. His arms wrapped around my waist. I could feel his breath on my neck.

I slowly moved to go out from the bed and trying to not wake him up. Suddenly he grabbed my wrist and he's on top of me now.

"Where are you going?" he said and gave me a short kiss.
"Morning kiss" he said and moved to side. I woke up and sat beside him.
"Go back to your room and get ready for school" I said.
"Okay, jagiya" he said and kissed my forehead before left. I chuckled and went to the bathroom.

When I was going to wear my clothes, I missed my underwear. How stupid I am. I wrapped the towel around my body and went out.

I went to my chest and went I closed it, I saw Jongin staring at me.

"AAAHHH" I yelled and out my hands aroung my chest.
"You never fail to make me amaze" he smirked.
"GO AWAY" I hollered and he left. I hurried went to my bathroom and get ready.

"Hey, sexy~" he said as I exited my room.
"Shut up or no breakfast?" I said. He sat quietly.
"Good" I said and started to cook.

After the breakfast, we went to school together. I walked faster to avoid people's staring. He catch me up and held my hands. I gave him what-are-you-doing look.

"Don't hide it. I am truly love you" he whispered and now they all looked at us.

"That bitch.. after flirting Chanyeol, she flirt our Kai?"

"Why does Kai choose her? I am sexier than her"

"I am pity for Kai. He's handsome but with an ugly duck"

I tried to not hear those whisper. As soon as I arrived at my class, I let go his hand and enter.

"Hohoo...looks like there's another lover" Min teased.
"Shut up" I said.
"How long have it been?" She asked.
"Longer than yours" I replied. She widened her eyes. Lucky the teacher came and class started.

On break time, someone told me that the principal called me. I left Min with her boyfriend, Chanyeol and went to face her.

"Excuse me?" I said.
"Oh, sit down" she said. I obeyed.

"I am sorry about Yoo Mi" she said.
"I forgive you, Ms.Yoo" I said.
"Thank you" she said but then someone knocked the door.

"Excuse me?" It was Jongin.
"Sit there" she pointed at the sofa beside me. He obeyed.

"I heard that you are dating" she said. Gossip spread so fast.
"Yes, we are and what? Are you gonna tell me to break up with her?" Jongin said.
"Use respect tone. I am still your mother" she said. Jongin rolled her eyes.
"Maybe he won't listen to me but he'll listen to you. I am agree with her" she said.
"Are you going to use her to make me enter business class? Sorry, but no use" he said.
"Jongin!" I whispered.
"Both of you can get out now. He's making me headache" she said. I bowed and we left.

"Ya! She's your mother" I hit his back.
"Aww! It hurts. So what? They don't know it" he said.
"They don't know? But how Chanyeol oppa can know it?" I asked.
"Because I told him and he's my best friend and don't say his name with an 'oppa'" he said.
"Why? Are you jealous?" I said.
"Yes, I am" he said with aegyo.
"Stop it. I'll vomit" I said. He chuckled.

We went back to our class.
"Okay, that's for today and, I have good news for all of you" our teacher said. We started to become curious.

"We are gonna have a MT!" We got exited and some of them hollered.

"Calm down calm down. The MT is 3 days 2 night and will be held next Friday. We are going to the beach. Prepare yourself and dismiss" our teacher said.

"Uwaah!! We are going to beach!!" Min hollered.
"Yeayyy!" I joined her.
"Hey, I heard that Jongin like to see girls in bikini" Min whispered.
"I won't wear it" I said.
"Then, me too!" She said. We high-fived.

"Minniee!" Chanyeol came.
"Oh? Oppa! Are you joined the MT?" I asked.
"Of course!" He said.
"Oo.....then bye! I don't want to be here" I said.
"Wait! I heard that you date Jongin. Is that true?" He asked. I nodded and left.

I went outside and a car stopped in front of me. I knew it was Jongin's and get in.

"Yoo Mi has missed you" he said.
"I know" I said.
"How do you know?" He asked.
"Because you told me just now" I said. He glared at me. I just smiled.
Arrived at his house, I went to Yoo Mi. Leaving him at his car.

"YOO MI!!" I hollered.
"UNNIEEE!!" She yelled.
"I miss you" I said.
"Me too. Why don't you visit me at hospital?" She said.
"I am sorry because I am busy" I said. She pouted. How cutee.

"Uhm, Jin!" Someone called. It was Miryu.
"Yes?" I said.
"Sorry for the accident" she said.
"I've forgive you" I said.
"Thanks" she said and hugged me.

"You hugged someone else except me?" Jongin suddenly came.
"Shut up" I said.
"I'll go to my room" Miryu said.
Around 3 pm, the principal went home.

"Hai, Jin! You can go home now. Thanks before" she said. I bowed to her.

"Want to have some date?" Jongin came when I was going to exited the house. I nodded.

"Uwaaaa!!! It's so refreshing!!" I said. He brought me to Hankang.
"You like it?" He said. I nodded quickly.
"Be careful... your head will fall" he teased I glared at him.

He came nearer to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I am lucky to have you" he said.
"I am not" I said.
"Wae?" He said with annoying voice.
"Because you're pervert" I said. He chuckled.
"Because of who?" He said. I put my hands around my chest.
"I'm going to have it someday" he smirked.
"Luckily it is not at home or I smacked your head" I said. He chuckled.
It's weekend and the idea come out my itself.

By the way in case that if you don't MT, it is like we have holiday at somewhere that not is our house and we spend it with out friends!

I want to have MT with my friends too ㅠ

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