The Truth

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Min's POV
"Who?" She asked.
"It was.." I stopped.
"Tell me" she said.
"It was, because I fell at the gym" I lied to her. Please believe me, I prayed.
"Oh, who called you to gym?" She asked.
"I also don't know" I said avoiding her eye contact by looking at my phone.
"Why do you lock yourself at here?" She asked.
"Don't you see the bruise?" I pointed at the bruise on my forehead.
"Oh..sorry" she said.
"No more question and go home" I said.
"I want to sleep here. Please" she begged with puppy eyes.
"Okay..wear my pajamas" I threw my pajamas to her.
"Thanks" she said and went to the toilet and changed her clothes.

We did a lot of things but she kept looking at her phone.

"Waiting for someone?" I asked.
"Uh? No.." she replied.
"Then, sleep" I said and we both went to dreamland.

Next morning, I kicked her butt. She's still sleeping and didn't awake when I called her name. I jumped on my bed.

"Wait, my bed will break" I said and gave up on it. I got an idea. I took her phone.
"Who's calling in the morning?" I said.
"Who?" She woke up.
"Change your clothes" I said with poker face. She looked annoyed but obeyed what I said.

"Are you sure? Shouldn't I wait for you?" I asked. We were at her apartment and she said she'll go to school by bus.
"Yes, just go first" she said. I obeyed and went to school. After parking my car, I went inside the school.

In the hallway, I met Miryu. I pretended to not see her and passed. After passing her, Chanyel appeared.

"Hai!" He greeted.
"Hai" I said and walked to my classroom.

Jin's POV
I opened the door and saw the shoe rack. It was Jongin's shoe. He went home. I entered and saw he's drinking water at the kitchen.

"Good morning" I greeted. He looked at me and went to his room. Still mad, I think. But I really didn't put the peanut butter.

I also went to my room. Took a bath and get ready to school. I exited my room and saw Jongin leaning beside my room's door. I jumped a bit.

"Today, don't go to my house" he said and went away.
"How is her condition?" I asked. He stopped for a while but then walked again and exited the apartment. I hope she's okay.

I arrived at school and in the hallway, Chanyeol greeted me.

"Hello~" he said.
"Hello too" I said and saw the people around glaring at us.
"What's with them" he said. I shrugged. We ignored it and walked away.

"Is Min okay?" He asked.
"She's okay. Don't you meet her?" I asked.
"I met her but she was like soulless" he said.
"Oh..but she's energic before" I said.
"Dunno" he said. I bid a goobye to him because I'd arrived at my class.

I sat beside Min who's concentrate on her drawing.

"You okay?" I asked. She nodded and smiled. But just for a while. She's more concentrate on her drawing.

Suddenly her phone rang. I took a peek and it was from Chanyeol. He wanted to meet her at the rooftop.

"Say yes" I said. She got shocked because her phone almost fell.
"Hihi..say yes, say ye-ye-ye-yess" I sang Girls Generation's Say Yes to her.
"I was going to write it" she said. Cutie pie.
At break time, I was alone in the class. Min went to meet her prince and I have not appetite today. I was so down and kept thinking of Yoo Mi.

I went to the library to returned some books. When I was back to my class, papers were scattered on my desk.



'Fvck you'

And other curse. I cleaned it before the other come and kept it in my bag.

Min returned with bright face. She sat beside me and smiling crazily.

"What happen?" I asked.
"Guess it" she said.
"Congratulation on your first day" I said. Took her hands and shook it.
"How do you know?" She said.
"I am pro" I said and the teacher came.
We went out the class and saw Chanyeol was waiting outside.

"I'll go first" I made an excuse and left them.

I took a taxi to go back to apartment. Maybe today I'll have a rest, I thought.

Arrived at the apartment, I went to my room and took a quick shower.

I went to the kitchen to make lunch when Jongin came and when to his room.

"Jongim-ah!" I called him when he was about to go again but he ignored me.

Jongin POV
I went back to my apartment to change my shirt.

When I was going to go out, she called me but I ignored it. I felt bad actually but because what she did to Yoo Mi, I felt betrayed.

I went to my house before to the hospital. I need to telk the maid to clean Yoo Mi's room.

"Mrs. Choi, please clean Yoo Mi's room. She'll come back tomorrow and don't forget to throw the peanut butter" I said.
"Yes, master but, can I say something?" She said.
"Yes, what is it?" I said.
"Actually, Ms. Lee didn't put the peanut butter. It was Miryu's" she said. I widened my eyes. Miryu loves Yoo Mi, how could she did that.
"I know you won't believe me but I saw it with my own eyes. The peanut butter was Miryu's" she continued.
"Thank you for that" I said and left. Now I felt bad to her.

I went back to the hospital.

"Oppa!" Yoo Mi greeted me.
"Hello, Mimi!" I said.
"Oppa, where's unnie? I miss her" she said.
"Unnie will come tomorrow. So be patient, okay?" I said.
"But I miss her so much!!" She whined.
"Miss who?" Miryu came with my mother.
"Not your business" Yoo Mi said.
"Hey, where's your manner?" My mothed said. Yoo Mi hid under her blanket.

"Miryu, follow me" I said and went out.
"Why?" She asked.
"Why do you put the peanut butter?" I asked.
"What? I didn't put it" she said. She avoid making eye contact with me.
"See my eyes. I am serious right now" I said.
"O-okay okay. Yes I do put it but I don't know it is for Yoo Mi" she said.
"Then why don't you say it earlier?" I asked.
"I am scared that you'll kick me out from your house" she said. I cursed in my mind. I felt really bad to Jin. I need to meet her tonight.

"Mimi-yah, oppa will go home now. Sleep well okay?" I stroke her hair. She nodded. I left the room and got into my car.

I called Jin but she didn't pick it up. I went to the apartment but she wasn't there. I went to my car and search her. She still didn't pick her phone. What should I do now.

I suddenly remembered something. She's Chanyeol's hyung childhood friend. Maybe she's at Vivapolo.

I drove my car to Vivapolo and BINGO! She's there. Talking with someone. I entered the restaurant and approached her.

"Jin.." I called. She looked surprised. I looked at the guy. It was Chanyeol hyung.

Almost thinking to end this book but suddenly a lot of idea come from nowhere...


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