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Min's POV
"Finally!!! Go homee!!" I hollered.
"Oh.." Jin said.
"Ya!" I elbowed her.
"What" she replied.
"My new design has out" I said.
"When?" She asked.
"Today" I replied.
"No, not that" she said.
"Then?" I asked.
"Job" she said.
"Oh...This Sunday. 07.00 am" I said.
"WHAT" she hollered. Luckily they had gone home.

"Slow, slow, I wanna treat you breakfast" I said.
"Oh...big meal?" She said.
"Yes. Deal?" I said.
"Deal" we shook hands.

"MIN!" someone called me.
"Yes?" I replied.
"Can you go to the gym now? Urgent!" She said.
"O-okay" I said and went to gym after bid a goodbye to Jin.

I openned the gym door. It was dark, so I switched on the light. No one was there.

"Hello? Anyone here? Please get out" I hollered. No answer. I gave up and was going to exit but suddenly something hit my head.

"YA!" I yelled and turned around. I saw Miryu and 2 other girl. She made a signal that they came to me and locked my arm.

Miryu came and slapped me.

"What-" she slapped me again.
"Don't talk you slut. How can you flirt Chanyeol, uh?" She said.
"Me? Flirt Chanyeol? What do you mean?" I asked.
"Listen, slut. Chanyeol is mine and don't ever near him again" she said.
"Why should I?" I said. I am not scared of her at all.
"Girls, pull her hair" she ordered. They obeyed and pulled my hair. I wanted to scream but one of them closed my mouth.

"MIN!! KANG MIN!!" someone yelled outside the gym room.
"Stop!" Miryu said.
"KANG MIN! WHERE ARE YOU?" It was Chanyeol's voice.
"Listen, slut. If you tell this to Chanyeol, I will make sure that your best friend will not save" she said and left me alone. My tears flew down to my cheeks.

"Kang Min?" Chanyeol called. I ignored it.
"What happen?" I shook my head with face palmed. He hugged me. I felt warm.
"'s okay. I am here" he said.

When Min went out the class, I don't feel good. Like someting bad gonna happen.

On the hallway, I met Chanyeol and unintentionally bumped into him.

"Hey, are you okah?" He asked.
"Uh? Yes" I said. Maybe he could help me?
"Uhm, Oppa! Can you do me a favor?" I asked.
"Yes. What is it?" He asked.
"Can you go to gym? Min was in there but I feel something is not right" I said.
"I can" he said. I curved a smile and thanked him.

I exited the school and suddenly a car came.

"Hey" it was Jongin.
"What" I said.
"Get in. You're going to meet Yoo Mi right?" He asked. I nodded and get into his car.
"Okay, go" I said. He stared at me for a moment.
"Okay" he said and drove to his house.

Arrived at his house, I went straight to Yoo Mi who was playing with the housemaid.

"Thank you" I said to the housemaid.
"Mimi.. let's take a bath. You need to be clean" I said and carried her to the bathroom.

"Mimi!! Stop playing with the water" I said. She was splasing the water and almost made my shirt wet.
"Are you going to watch only?" I asked Jongin. He was leaning on the door and watching us.
"What? Do your job. It is your job" he said. What a good boyfriend, I thought.
"Oh.." I replied coldly and continued my work.

After Yoo Mi wears her clothes, I made her sleep. I cleaned the mess she made and my job is done.

I went to the kitchen to drink and suddenly a pair of hand was around my waist. It was Jongin. He kissed on my shoulder.

"Surprised?" He said.
"Nah..let me go" I said. He tighten the hug.
"What if your mother see this?" I asked.
"We should get married then" he said. I smacked his head and saw Miryu. She was looking at us.

"Mi-Miryu" I said. Jongin looked back.
"Why are you here?" He asked.
"I lived here. Why? You don't know?" She said. Jongin shook his head.
"Wait, what is your relationship?" I asked.
"Oh, she's my cousin" he replied.
"Oh..." I nodded.
"And why are you here?" Miryu asked.
"I am Yoo Mi's babysitter" I said.
"Oh... I heard that the early babysitter ran away because of him" she pointed at Jongin.
"Why?" I asked.
"I dunno, maybe pervert things?" She said. I glared at Jongin.
"Just go to your room" he pushed Miryu and she left us alone.
"Tell me" I said.
"I didn't do anything" he hands up.
"Okay.. I'll let you go this time" I said. He chuckled and leaned for a kiss. I gave him a short kiss and got back to my job.

I made sandwich for Yoo Mi because when she's awake, she'll looking for food.

"Unnie, I am hungry" Yoo Mi said when she was just awake.
"I know it. I've made sandwich for you. Let's go" I said and carried her.

At the dining table, she digged in the sandwich but suddenly she caughed and hard to breathe.

"Yoo-Yoo Mi-ah" I said.
"What happen?" Jongin came.
"She had allergy" he said and check the sandwich.
"Do you put peanut butter?" He asked.
"No, I know she has allergy of peanut" I replied.
"BUT THERE'S PEANUT BUTTER IN THE SANDWICH" he yelled. I got shocked and checked the sandwich. It really had the peanut butter. I am sure that I didn't put it.

"We need to go to hospital" he said and carried her to his car. I take my things and followed him.
"What happen?" Miryu stopped me.
"Yoo Mi had allergy" I said.
"I join" she said. I nodded and we went to the car.

I laid Yoo Mi on my lap and kept praying for her.

"Nurse! Please help her" Jongin said.
"What happen?" The nurse asked.
"She had allergy of peanut" I said.
"Follow me" she said.
"Follow her, I'll fill the identity data" I said.

After the doctor checked, the principal came.

"Mimi!! Doctor, what happen to her?" She asked.
"Luckily the peanut butter didn't make her in crisis time. She need to rest" the doctor said.
"Thank you" she replied. They went near to Yoo Mi and me too.

"Why are you still here? Go back to your home" the principal said.
"I'm sorry" I said.
"Sorry? Just sorry? After all that you've done?" She said.
"Calm down auntie, I think she didn't realize the peanut butter" Miryu said and calmed her auntie down.
"Go back. You just make me headache" the principal said to me. Miryu gave me a 'go' signal. I bowed and looked at Jongin. His eyes were only on Yoo Mi. I exited the room alone.

I took a taxi and went to Vivapolo. I remember about Min and worried about her.

"Welcome" the waitress said. I smiled to her.
"Oh? Jinnie!" Chanyeol greeted me.
"Why are you here?" He said.
"Don't you say to me that I can come anytime?" I asked.
"Ah.. yes. You're right . Hehe" he smiled and showed his rich teeth.
"Anyway, is she okay? Min" I asked and sat on the seat.
"When I went to the gym, she cried and got bruised on her face" he said.
"Omo.. who did it?" I asked.
"She won't tell" he said.
"Oh..can you drive me to her house?" I asked.
"Yes but after dinner" he said.
"Okay, I am hungry too" I said and he went to order.

Suddenly Yoo Mi appeared in my mind. I felt so sorry to her. I should check the sandwich before. I am such a fool, I thought and hit my head.

"Yo, what happen?" Chanyeol came with food on his hand.
"No nothing and thanks for the meal" I said.
"My mom cooked it so no need to pay" he whispered. I made a ok sign.

After the meal, we went to Min's house. I thanked Chanyeol and rang the bell.

"Who is it?" Someone hollered and opened the door.
"Omo...are you our Jin?" Auntie said.
"Auntie, long time no see" I said.
"Get in get in. Are you come for Min? She is in his room from just now. I am worried" auntie said.
"I'll take care of her. Where's her room?" I asked. She pointed at the door.
"I am glad she has a good friend like you" auntie said. I smiled and went to her room.

I knocked the door.

"Min-ah. It's me. Open the door" I said. She opened the door for me but then went back to her bed.
"Lock it" she said. I obeyed.
"Who did it?" I asked. She was taking care of her skin to disguise the bruise.
"Uhm.." she said.
"Who?" I asked.
"It was...."
Will she tell?

See it in next chapter...

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