Birthday Surprise

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Chanyeol POV
"Heaven!!" Min said.

I don't she dislike shrimp. Maybe I should know her more. We are not even reach our anniversary.

After the lunch, we went tot the flower forest. It wasn't so far from the mud bath place. As we arrived, the flower scent welcomed us.

We have time before 4 pm and the rest of the student that didn't join us went to aquarium including Miryu. Finally I can free from her.

"Min, where do you want to go first?" I asked.
"We want to see butterflies" Jin replied.
"Uh..go by yourself" I said.
"Okay. Jongin, go with Chanyeol oppa" Jin said and Jongin came to me.

We went to different way. I and Jongin went to the cafeteria and buy ice cream.

"Ah..." Jongin sighed.
"What?" I said.
"I want to be with Jin" he replied.
"We can't do anything" I said. We are scared of insects.

After an hour, they came back.

"What took you so long?" Jongin hugged Jin.
"Min wanted to catch a butterfly just now" she replied.

"Did you catch it?" I asked. Min nodded.
"You, didn't, right?"I said.
"No. They don't allow" she pouted. I sighed a relief.

"Maybe we can catch a fly or mosquito for them" Jin said.
"YA!" I hollered.
"Sh! Jongin-ah, I want to see flowers" Jin aegyoing to Jongin and it works. I want to see Min's aegyo too.

"Let's go" I said. She nodded.

She didn't talk much from just now. I felt like she ignored me. When we were at the mud, she looked so happy.

We walked on the path in silent. The other coupled were cuddling and took a selca. While us, not even holding hands and just walked.

We went back to hotel after that and I took a short nap.

When I woke up, Min wasn't here. I decided to took a bath and went to search her.

"Jongin!" I hollered in the hallway.
"Wae hyung?" He said.
"Do you see Min?" I asked.
"She's with Jin. Wae?" He said.
"Oh, nothing. I just miss her" I said.
"So cheesy. Let's eat. The restaurant has opened" he dragged me.
"Wait, the girls?" I said.
"They'll come soon" he replied and we entered the restaurant.

In the mid of our dinner, the girls came and took the food.

"Where do you go?" I asked.
"Shopping" Min replied.
"Oh.." I replied and eat again.

After the dinner, Min and Jin were together again. Jongin went back to his room and I was alone.

Today is my birthday and I am alone. I took a walk at the beach. Celebrating my birthday alone with a sad music.

Suddenly my phone rang and a message arrived. It was from Min. She told me to come to our room. I ran to the hotel back because finally Min wanted to see me.

When I almost reach my room, Miryu stopped me. We were at the backyard of my room.

"Oppa" she called.
"What?" I panting because of tired.
"Happy Birthday!" She said and kissed me on my lips. I widened my eyes in shock.

"Happy-" suddenly Min hollered with a cake on her hands.
"Min.." I saidd.
"Birthday" she continued.
"Oppa.." Jin said.
"Hyung.." Jongin said.
"Wait, it's not-" I said but then Min ran away.

"Min!" I hollered and wanted to chase her but stopped by Jongin.
"Let me go" I said.
"Leave her alone" Jongin said. I couldn't do anything. I ruined my birthday surprise.

Min's POV
I have texted Chanyeol and was waiting in my room. I took the cake and went he's coming, I opened the back door.

"Happy-" I stopped. He was kissing with Miryu.
"Birthday" I continued. I felt like my heart was broke into pieces.
"Wait, it's not-" before he could finish his sentence I ran away.

I went to the garden in front of the hotel. I cried in silence. Suddenly someone put a jacket around my shoulder.

"Don't get sick" Jin said.
"*sniff* thank *sniff* you *sniff*" I said.
"Just cry. You'll feel better" she said and hugged me.
"I hate Chanyeol" I said in my cry.
" know I know" she said and patted my shoulder.

After a few minutes, the cries stopped. I think the tears have dried and it can't come out again.

"Done?" Jin asked. I nodded.
"Fell better?" She asked.
"A little" I replied.
"Tell me what do you feel now" she said.
"What I feel? I hate him. I hate Chanyeol. I hate Park Chanyeol" I said.

"Do you?" A familiar voice suddenly appeared. I turned around and found Chanyeol. Jin was nowhere to be seen.

"Jongin...take her" he said. I ignored him and went back but he grabbed my wrist.

"Let me explain" he said.
"Let me go" I said and tried to release his grab.
"Please, let me" he begged.
"No" I said and he suddenly pulled me. He hugged me but I tried to pull away.

"Please" he tighten the hug. I gave up.

"I don't have any feelings to her already" he said.
"But you kissed her" I said.
"No, she did. She stopped me when I was going to you. Please, believe me. You're the only one I love. Please" he said.

"Believe him Min. Miryu just want to make you break up with him" Jongin said. He was standing beside us with Jin.
"I have witness. Believe now?" Chanyeol said while holding my hands. I nodded.
"Thank you" he said and hugged me.
"Oppa but," I said and loosen the hug.
"What?" He asked.
"Happy Birthday" I said.
"Thank you" he said and lean for a kiss.

"WAIT!!" Jongin hollered. We looked at him.
"Jagiya..let's go back to our room" Jongin said to Jin.
" can continue" Jin said.
"Ya!" Jongin glared at her. Jin ran away.

"They've gone" Chanyeol said and he kissed me.
"This is the best birthday gift" he said. I smiled and we went back to our room.

Jin's POV
"Ah.. I am so glad that they're fine already" I said while swinging my hands.
"Thanks, Jongin" I said.
"Just thanks? I was the one who helped them to be together again" he complained.

"What do you want?" I asked. I know he was asking about a gift.
"Hehe.. what I want?" He said. I nodded and then he smirked. We are now arrived at our room.
"What I want is you" he said as he closed the door.
"Wha-what?" I asked. He moved closer to me.

"I want you" he said in seducing voice.
"Jong-Jong-Jongin" I said and he pushed me to the bed.
I made it express to celebrate 2K!

Thank you readers!!

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