Kim Miryu

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Jongin POV
I woke up in the morning with Jin beside me. I scanned her beautiful face. She opened her eyes slowly.

"Good morning" I greeted her. She pulled the blanket up to her head. Ignoring me. And suddenly...

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" She yelled. I got shocked and fell down from the bed. She kicked me actually.

" nice.. you're the one who start it yesterday" I said while rubbing my butt.
"Yesterday? Wha- AAAAAAAA" she screamed hysterically.
"Shit this girl" I mumbled.
"Shut up pervert!" She yelled. She heard it.

I came near her. She moved backwards.

"You're so good yesterday.." I smirked. She blushed. Haha......but my heart was beating so fast too.

"Better get ready for school" I said and left her room before my heart would explode.

After showered, my phone rang. I pulled my pants up and looked at my phone.

From: Unknwon number

Oppa, it's me Miryu. Can you fetch me? I am at auntie house.

Miryu was my cousin. She just transferred from Japan because she got some trouble there.

To: Miryu

I can't. Just take taxi.

From: Miryu

I am new here. What if I get lost and someone kidnapped me?

When I was going to replied her, another message came.

From: Uncle Kim

Jongin-ah, please go to the college with Miryu. I am busy today. Sorry to disturbing you

I couldn't resist it and replied Miryu message that I'll fetch her.

"Jongin-ah breakfast are read- OMAYAAAAA" Jin suddenly entered and saw me. I am shirtless here.

I came to her while wearing my shirt.

"I wear my shirt already. Get out" I said. She slowly revealed her face and sighed.

"Next time, knock" I said and flicked her forehead.
"I don't know that-" I gave a quick kiss on her lips before she could finish.
"Where is my breakfast?" I asked. She pointed at the dining table and I went there.

She looked so shocked but I felt happy.

Lee Jin POV
"I'll go now. Bye" he winked and left the apartment.

Did he just kiss me?

(A/N: uhm.. yes)


My heart pounding faster than usually. Calm down, calm down.

I looked at the clock and I was late now. I rushed to my room and went out after 10 seconds.

I took a bus and arrived at the college safely.

"Hi, Jinniee!" Chanyeol greeted me. I smiled.
"How's your day?" He asked.
"Just begin" I replied.

We walked through the hallway and I heard a lot of whisper.

"You see how she flirt Chanyeol oppa? So digusting"

"Min is much better than her"


I walked faster and left Chanyeol there. My new life begin...

At PE class, we were teached to play basketball. After we learned, we played the game.

I dribbled the ball and hop! 1 point. It's my first time played this but I think I could do it well.

When I was blocking the other team's member, the ball hit my head and everything went black.

I opened my eyes and realized that I was not in the basketball court already. I tried to get up but someone grabbed my arm.

"Jongin?" I said.
"Are you okay now? You fainted because you were hitted by the ball" he explained.
"I am pretty okay now" I replied.
"It's a relief. You can't join the class and must rest more" he said.
"Oh.." I replied.

He stroke my hair. I looked at him with curious expression. He was so different.

"Don't be sick. It hurts me if you're sick" he said.
"Why would you be hurt? Stop talking nonsense and get back to your class" I said and laughed a bit.
"I don't have class now and I am not talking nonsense" he said. We made a eye contact.
"I am serious. Don't be sick" he said.
"Why?" I asked. He just smiled.

"Lee Jin!!" suddenly someone enter.

"Oh? Eonnie!" It was Jia eonnie.
"Are you okay? I am so worried" she said. I nodded.
"No no!! Don't nod. What if your head fall?" She said. I chuckled.

"How can be fall? I was just got hit not cut" I replied.
"Hehe.. sorry" she replied and we laughed.

Chanyeol POV
I heard that Jin fainted and was going to visit her. Suddenly I bumped into a woman.

"I am sorry" I said and helped her picking her thing that fell down. I took a book. Diary book that was familiar.

"Chanyeol-ah.." I looked at her and she was Miryu. Kim Miryu. My ex girlfriend. We broke up because she went to Japan.

"Miryu? Wha-"

She suddenly hugged me.

"I miss you so much!!" She said.
"I am sorry but I have no time for that" I said and pushed her gently.
"Why? Do you choose her over me?" She said.
"Who?" I asked.
"Lee Jin" she replied.
"How do- do you plan this?" I asked her.
"No.. it's because the whole campus know that she betrayed Min and one of her classmate did that" she explained.

"Why? Betrayed what?" I asked.
"I'll tell you if you want to treat me bubble tea!!" She said.
"I'd better not know it" I said and left her.

I went to the clinic and saw no one there. I approached the nurse.

"Excuse me, just now the patient that fainted, where is she now?" I asked.
"She went home already 5 minutes ago" she said.
"Oh.. thank you" I bowed and left.

I phone called her.

"Hello?" It's male voice.
"Who is this?"
"Me? Kai" he said.
"Jongin-ah! Where is Jin? Why do you take her phone?" I asked.
"She's showering. Why?" He replied.
"Nothing.. is she okay?"
"Yes if you are not with her"
"Don't you go near her again"
"Wait, why? Hello? Hel-" he ended the phone call.

She'll be okay without me? But I am not.

I went home soulless.

"아들! (Son!) Your friend is here" my mom said.

Wait, I didn't invite my friend. I looked inside and found Miryu. She was helping in the kitchen.

We were over already. What did this girl want?
Hi hi!

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It is Sehun's fanfic...


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