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Jongin POV
I was sitting on the couch when Jin was exited her room.

"Where are you going?" I asked.
"Not your business" she replied and headed out.

At first I didn't care about it, but my heart was saying the opposite. I took my jacket and headed to find her.

I started to walk around the apartment but I couldn't see her. I gave up and headed to the park and I saw Chanyeol hyung with Jin on the swing.

He grabbed her wrist and they were about to kiss. I couldn't see it and went back to the apartment.

I felt somewhere hurt.

I sat on the couch and switched on the television. I couldn't concentrate on the show and kept thinking of her.

After a few minutes, she got back. She headed to the kitchen to have a drink. I went toward her.

"You scared me!" She shocked.
"What are you doing with Chanyeol hyung just now?" I asked.
"You followed me?" She asked back.
"Answer me" I stared at her.
"Nothing.. just have a chat" she replied.
"You guys didn't kiss?"
"What? No. How I could I kiss him. It means I betrayed Min if I do that"
"So, you really didn't kiss?" I started gettimf nearer to her. Step by step, untill her back hit the wall.

"Wha-what are you doing?" She asked. I didn't reply and still looked at her. She looked scare then I let her go. I could see that she was blushing.

I felt my heartbeat beating faster.

"What's with this feeling." I mumbled and went to my room. The image of her blushed-face kept wondering in my mind and I was smiling every time she appeared in my mind.

"I think I like her"

Lee Jin POV
After he let me go, I went to my room and locked the door.

The image of him getting closer to me still wondering in my mind. My heart kept beating so fast.

"What happen to me?" I mumbled. I laid on my bed and ready to sleep but I couldn't sleep.

"Maybe a glass of water can make me sleep" I got up and exited the room. After making sure that pervert Jongin had asleep, I went to the kitchen.

"Aah~ much better" I said. Suddenly a pair of hand hugged my waist. The glass I was holding almost fell.

"Give me some too" Jongin said in seducing voice. I got goosebumps and quickly gave a glass of water to him. Thinking that he would release the hugged.

"Let me go" I said. After he drank it and put the glass to the sink, he still didn't let me go.

"Let me go please, I have to sleep now" I begged
"Let's sleep together than" he said. I smacked his head.
"Pervert jerk" I said and went to my room after he release the hug because I smacked him.

*tet tet tet*
I turned off the alarm and headed to the bathroom lazily.

"Good morning" Jongin greeted me as soon as I exited my room.
"What?" I replied him.
"Rude. Where's your manner" he pouted. I almost laughed but I tried not to laugh.
"You're not my mother" I went to the kitchen to make a breakfast.

"Greet me or I'll kiss you" he threatened me. I ignored him but suddenly he grabbed my wrist and crushed his lips on mine.

"I have warned you" he smirked and sat on the couch.

What the, he stole my first kiss. I smacked his head. Harder than yestersay.

"YA!! YESTERDAY WAS NOT ENOUGH?" He yelled at me.
"You're stealing my first kiss MISTER PERVERT" I replied anf left the apartment.

I took a taxi and went to Min's place. 8.00 am. I made it on time.

"You come on time" Min greeted me as soon as I entered her place.
"So, what should I do now?" I asked
"Change your clothes, make up and then photoshoot" I nodded and headed to the fitting room.

First clothes, it was a simple pink dress with flower design.

"This is your design when we were at high school right?" She nodded.
"You remember it" she smirked
"Hehe.. of course. The design was my recommendation " I said and went for the photoshoot.

"Okay, Lee Jin-ssi you can make any pose that look feminine" I obeyed what the photographer said.

After 3 hours, we took a break.

"Hell, it was so tiring" I said.
"Hehe.. sorry but we have 10 more clothes" I widened my eyes.
"When did you make that? When high school you nearly give up on designing because you can't think any idea already" I asked
"I start design when I was in middle school so this are the design I make on middle school. So, stop complain because I'll give you more for your salary."
"How much?" I teased her and she rolled her eyes.
"Joke~ as long as you really put bonus on my salary I'll always be your model" I said and we continued the shoot.

Current time: 04.00 pm

"Being a model isn't easy" I said
"But being designer is more harder." Min replied with an envelope on her hand.
"Here's your salary. I keep my promise." I checked the money and yes, she really put much money. Rich girl indeed.

"Thank you Min-min. I love you sooo much" I hugged her.
"I know I know. By the way, aren't you hungry?" She asked. I nodded.
"I'll treat you dinner. Let's go" she said. She drove the car to a restaurant.

"Viva Polo again?" I asked as she parked the car. She just smiled.
"Chanyeol oppa always help his parents on weekend" she looked so happy.

I remember the night Chanyeol confess to me.

"I am serious. I love you"

That words appeared in my mind. I shook my head.

"What happen to you?" Min asked.
"Nothing" I replied.
"Let's go then" we got out from the car and entered the restaurant.

Soon, I saw a tall guy serving the customer. I could know him easily because of his height and yoda ears.

We took a seat and Min couldn't take her eyes off from Chanyeol. I felt bad to Min if she knew that Chanyeol confess to me and even he offered me to live with him.

"What do you want to eat?" I heard a familiar voice. I looked at up.
"Lee Jin! You're Lee Jin right? Aigoo Jinnie, unnie missed you so much" It was Yoora unnie. Chanyeol's older sister.

"I missed you too unnie!!" I stand up and hugged her.
"I waited for ages to meet you. What are doing here? Where's your parents?" She asked.
"They were at my hometown. I got scholarship at Chanyeol oppa's college and I moved to the apartment nearby" I replied.
"Oh, and is she your friend?" She pointed at Min. I nodded.
"Annyeonghaseyo, I am Kang Min." Min introduced herself.
"I recognize your face. You always come here" Yoora eonnie said. Min just smiled.
"So, what's your order?" She asked. Min ordered for me and Yoora walked away after receiving the order.

"How can you know Chanyeol oppa's unnie?" She asked.
"Sorry Min, for not telling you before. Chanyeol oppa is my childhood friend. We lived in a same neighborhood before he moved here. I am near to his family and he does too." I explained everything to her and she just nodded.

"Sorry for taking a long time" I heard a deep voice.
"Here is your order. Eat well ladies, and Jinnie, my mom wants to meet you after this. Can you?" I looked up and saw Chanyeol oppa.
"okay" I replied and he left. I looked at Min. She was blushing, after seeing Chanyeol.
"Let's eat so your blush can disappear" I teased her.
"I am envy of you" she said before digged in.

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