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Jungkook POV
I went out from the room and sat on the dining room.

"It's simple but at least we have food" her father said and handed me bibimbab.
"It is my favorite actually" I replied.
"Really? It is a relief then" her father replied. I smiled and started to eat.
"So you're hyung?" That boy named Taegwang asked. I nodded.
"Hyung, why do you look so handsome? Do you do any treatment?" He suddenly asked.
"I'm sorry. He wants to be an idol. Don't mind his questions" his father said. Taegwang frowned and pouted. I smiled awkwardly.
"You're handsome already" I said.
"Really hyung? Thank you. You're the best!" He thumbs up. Now her brother also likes me. It works then.

"I'll give it to nuna" Taegwang stood up and took the plate from his father hands and went to the room.

After finished eating the bibimbab, I went to the sink and wash the dish.

"Aigo..boys nowadays are so kind. Not like my own son" her father praised.
"I also wash the dish dad!" Taegwang shown up.
"Once a week" he replied.
"Excuse me, may I go outside for a while?" I asked.
"Of course. Make yourself at home" he replied and I went out.

There are a lot of flowers outside. Plus the night scene, are so beautiful. I sat on the chair and enjoying it.

Taegwang gave me the food and I fed my mom. She's so weak right now. I felt bad to leave her.

"Jin-ah" my mom called.
"Ne?" I replied.
"Did the boy just now, perhaps, your boyfriend?" She asked.
"No. He's not. My boyfriend is still at the town. He is my junior at college and my friend" I explained.
"Oh.. but he looks fine" my mom said.
"My boyfriend is better" I said and we both chuckled.

"You can take a bath now. I'll look after her" dad said. I nodded and left the room.

"Jungkook-ah," I called. He was sitting outside.
"Nuna," he replied. I sat beside him.
"Thank you" I said. He looked at me.
"For accompany me to here" I continued.
"'s okay. But nuna, about my confession.." he stopped. I looked down. He still doesn't give up yet.

"I'm still want to have you. To be mine, nuna" he said.
"Don't flirt a girl that have a boyfriend already" suddenly someone cut my sentence.

"Jongin-ah!" I stood up and ran to hug him.
"Jin-ah..don't leave me again" he whispered.
"I won't but this is urgent" I replied.
"I know" he messed my hair.
"Can you get in for a while?" He whispered. I nodded and left both of them.

I am so curious what they're talking about.

"Nuna, please sit down. Don't walk here and there. It makes my head dizzy" Taegwang protested.
"Shut up. What about you? Dancing and singing loudly in your room and get zero point in your exam on the next day?" I replied.

"Jin, can you help your mother? I'm too old to do that" dad suddenly come out. I rushing to enter the room and helped my mom.

She just want to sit but can't get up. My dad waist hurted since last year and that's why he can't help my mom.

"Can you slice some fruits?" Mom asked. I nodded and headed to the kitchen to slice an apple for mom.

I left the apple in her room because she wants to be alone with dad. They might be old but they are still in love. I hope I have that kind of romantic life.

"Taegwang! Tell the one outside to get in for some fruits" I said.
"Uh" he replied.

Jongin POV
As Jin entered the house, I walked closer to Jungkook and glared at him.

"What?" He asked. I don't like his expression.
"Still hoping Jin to like you?" I asked.
"Maybe she can't but her parents have like me. Including her brother. Maybe I can't make her fall for me that quick but slowly" he said.
"You!" I grabbed his collar.
"Go! Do it!" He whispered. I almost punched his face but I calmed down. I must think of Jin.
"Why? Are you afraid?" He asked.
"Shut up. Luckily we're not at Seoul now or I'll kill you" I warned him.
"Kill me then and Jin will be mine" he whispered. I clenched my hands into a fist and eyed him.

"Hyung! Get in for some fruits-oh? Who is he?" A boy that familiar to me came out.
"I'll get in" Jungkook replied. He looked at me and then get in. I followed him from the back.

"Jongin-ah, sit here" Jin said and hit the floor beside her.
"Who are you?" That boy asked.
"I'm your sister boyfriend. Kim Jongin" I replied.
"Oh? I think-"
"Call him hyung. He's at the same age as me" Jin interrupted him.
"Oh, okay, hyung. But hyung, why do your look so charismatic?" He asked. I chuckled.
"I don't know. I was happened like this" I said.
"But, are you Taegwang?" I asked. I ever saw him at the family photo on Jin's desk.
"Yes. I am Taegwang. I'm going to be an idol when I graduate" he said proudly.
"An idol with that face. Aigo.." Jin sighed.
"He's handsome Jin. If his sister is this beautiful, he must be handsome too" I said.
"Wah.. hyung is the best!" He thumbs up. I looked at Jungkook. He was pissed off. I smirked.

"Jin-ah, uh-" I looked at my back and saw a middle-aged man standing.
"Who is he? Why are so many boy here?" He said.
"Am I a boy then dad?" Jin asked.
"Ahaha..I didn't mean that but who is he? Your boyfriend?" He pointed at me. I immediately stood up and bowed at him.

"Annyeonghaseyo. I am Kim Jongin. Your daughter's boyfriend" I said.

"Who is my daughter's boyfriend? I want to be my soon-son-in-law" someone yelled from the room.

"Come in Jongin-ssi" Jin's father said. Jin went beside me and we entered the room.

"Is he your boyfriend Jin? Omo.. you're so lucky. He's so handsome. Aigo.." her mom said. She was laying on the bed.

"Am I not that handsome?" Her father said.
"You're handsome as usual" her mother said.
" cheesy. You're old already mom,dad" Jin teased.
"You'll feel it after you hit our age" her mother said. I smiled and looked at Jin.
"What?" She said.
"Nothing" I shook my head.
"Don't be so rude to him" her mother said.
"Are you okay, auntie?" I asked and went closer to her.
"Don't call me that! Call me mom" she said.
"Okay mom. Are you okay?" I asked again.
"I am okay now because Jin came to see me. Especially with her boyfriend. I hope you guys come with my grandchildren" she said. It makes me and Jin surprised.

"Mom! We're still young. It's not same like your generation" Jin protested.
"I'll make it as long as mom likes it. How many do you want?" I asked.
"As many as you want" her mom replied. I made an 'ok' sign and she replied with a wink. All of us laugh except Jin. She frowned.

I went outside to have some fresh air. Her house is quite wide. Have a small garden with flowers.

"Ehem.." someone coughed. I looked around and saw Jungkook.

"Uh, hi" I said.
"Have you meet them?" He asked.
"Of course. You see it. Why do you ask? And it seem that they like me more" I smirked. His face lookes annoyed. Haha. I win.

"They may like you but I won't give up on her" he said.

"No Jungkook" suddenly Jin shown up and walked closer to us.

"I don't want to hurt you so please move on" Jin said.
"Nuna.." he muttered.
"I really like him. Or should I say love. You can find someone better than me. I am belong to him" Jin said. I smiled. Finally she rejected him.
"But nuna" he started to speak but canceled. His phone rang and I think it is urgent.

"Sorry nuna, I need to go now. Thanks for the dinner and say to your parents that I am sorry to leave like this" Jungkook said and ran outside.

"Finally you say it" I said.
"What?" She asked.
"What? What? The rejection" I replied.
"Hehe..don't I look cool just now?" She said and folded her arms.
"Yes you are untill I want to eat you" I said and cupped her face.
"Ya!" She said and glared at me.
"What?" I glaref back and kissed her lips.

"Iew! Get a room" Taegwang suddenly shown up. He saw us kissing.
"Do you clean my room?" Jin asked.
"Mom cleaned it everyday" he replied and entered again.
"That boy. Let's get in. It's so cold outside" Jin said and pulled my wrist.
LOL to Jin's mom.

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Jongin will like it

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