Chapter 29 - Love Vs. Fear

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I was smiling smugly as we entered the elevator doors when suddenly I remember how Vegas talked to Caleb.

"You're close with Caleb now?" I asked trying not to sound jealous.

"Oh, he talked to us. He said that he get this feeling that I thought he likes you romantically. He said that, he actually like someone as of the moment and that's not you."

It's not me because it's you, Vegas.

"He apologized for the misunderstanding he caused if there was any, and of course there was but I didn't tell him. He invited us to his birthday party as an apology. He said that, you look like the friend he lost when he was still a child so he wanted to be closed to you." Khun Vegas told me whilst massaging my waist.

"Really?" I asked. That's not even plausible.

"But we rejected. For some reason, Israel kept on tapping his foot on mine. It's like our secret message. When we don't want something. So I just made an excuse and he just went with it." Khun Vegas added.

Of course, Khun Israel might look and act like Caleb's presence doesn't affect him. But I know, he wants to strangle that son of a bitch to death.

"I couldn't really care less. I bet that's just gonna be one of those parties who doesn't look like a party because there's a lot of business talk." Khun Vegas said and chortled.

"Don't go to the party...Let's just stay at home..." I trailed as I waited for the elevator doors opened as I heard its familiar ding.

"And eat each other." I continued and ran towards Khun Hase's suite door as I left Khun Vegas smiling like a maniac on the lift.

The guard outside opened the door for us. I went inside and saw the entrance a little messy.

What happened here?

"You shouldn't be doing this to yourself Hase! Are you that desperate?!" I heard Khun Israel shouted to Khun Hase who was just staring at him blankly.

I was so shocked with what's happening in front of me but what shocked me more was when suddenly, Vegas travelled the space between him and his brother and punched Khun Israel on the face that, Khun Israel dropped to the floor.

"Don't shout at Hase like that, El." Khun Vegas said almost whispering. He looked so dissapointed with his brother.

I went to Khun Hase's side. I wanted to ask him what happened when suddenly he reached for his phone and called someone.

"Tell my father to stop sending invitations. Tell him to cancel the wedding." Khun Hase simply said and hung up.

"Let's get ready for the meeting. Take your brother back to your suite, Vegas. Come, Pete. I'll pick for a beachwear to lend you." Khun Hase said smiling at me as if he wasn't shouted at.

The three of us just looked at Khun Hase like he was out of his mind.

Vegas looked like he wanted to console his friend and Khun Israel looked like he just realized what he did...

I hope you're regretting what you did, Khun Israel.

I let Khun Hase drag me inside the room. I'm just looking at him. He seem normal but I know he's a mess inside.

"Hmm... What's your favorite color, Pete?" Khun Hase asked, his back still facing me.

"Blue..." I replied

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