Part 1

445 1 2

Pairing : Harry Styles x Reader

Warnings : None

Word count: 1.6k

A/n: Hey guys… This is the first chapter of our very first writing endeavor. Forgive the mistakes. Thanks for giving this a chance.


G and M


“Ughh…For God’s sake…” Y/N cursed rather loudly when the strap of her handbag was caught on the handle of the door.She was already late for work. Today was an important day for her, she had a meeting to attend.

Monday mornings were hectic for her, especially when she had a hangover from the previous day. She had to get to the bus station quickly as her car was at the garage. She sighed and walked out, locking the door. Yes, it was her own fault. She had to think at least twice before giving her car to Daniel. Daniel was her best friend since childhood. He helped her get away from her toxic ex boyfriend, he was there when she had a terrible fight with her parents over a marriage proposal. Yup, you heard that right, a marriage proposal! Her parents were so adamant on getting her married to a wealthy man.When she moved out from her parents’ house, Daniel invited her to live with him as long as she would like. But she protested, so he helped her find an apartment and a car(a used one, since she couldn’t afford a new vehicle).Life had always been tough for her, what she did was never enough for her parents. They compared her to others and it made her feel worthless. But on the bright side, those crude remarks made her more competent. She worked hard to get to the position she is in today.She is currently the planning head at Tomas and Sons Designs, which was one of the biggest names in the field. She got promoted as the Planning Head three months ago.

Her work included creating project proposals,estimating costs and determining timelines. Daniel even helped her host her promotion party. In short, Daniel Bancroft was her best friend. The Ron to her Harry, the Steve to her Dustin, the Bonnie to her Damon…yeah, you get the point. “When life throws you lemons, you make lemonade”, he always cheered her up with the motto. That is exactly what he did, because coming out as gay to homophobic parents was not easy for him either.They were together through thick and thin.

The loud grinding sound from the tyres of the bus snapped her out of her thoughts.

She was relieved upon getting the message that the meeting would be delayed, since their boss, Steffin Tomas had something important come up at the last minute. She heard the gurgling sound from her stomach and suddenly realized that she hadn’t eaten anything . Placing her bag on the desk in her cabin, she went to the cafeteria to get something.

The cafeteria was crowded as usual. It was a spacious cafe consisting of a few takeaway counters. She helped herself to a bagel and some cream cheese and was going to the fridge to get an OJ when she heard someone calling her name.

“Y/N/N , come here, I’ve got the juice.”

She turned around to see Jenna, her colleague and one of her good friends, waving at her from a table near the doorway.

Jenna Andrews became her friend when she joined the company two years ago. She was the first person to talk to her and offer her a coffee. Jenna is working as an assistant under Y/N and they’re really good friends now.

“Hey, how was your weekend?”Jenna asked, handing her the bottle of juice.

“ Meh. Same old same old.” Y/N thought about that failed tinder date last night and how she drank a full bottle of vodka to forget him and his red flags.

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