Part 2

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Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader

Warnings: Coarse language

Word count: 1.5 k

A/n: Here’s part two, it’s a little shorter than the previous part, we'll make up for it in the next one. Happy reading.


G and M


“I don’t think he would do something to hurt you on purpose”, said Jenna.

“Why would you say that, Jenna?Have you ever seen him behaving in a civil manner when he’s anywhere near me? I don’t even know what I did to make him mad at me. I even thought he was pretty tolerable ”

“ And by tolerable, you mean dateable?” Jenna mocked.

“Fuck you! I hate him with every fiber of my being…” Y/N glared at her.

“Shoreeee…” Jenna trailed off.

“Shut up!!! Jenna… you know I’d never ever ……”

“Y/N, the meeting is about to start.The boss has requested your presence. ” Gabriella Knight’s voice cut through her ranting. Gabriella was a new joinee who worked under her. There were two more new employees, Fabiola Georgie and Aria Bennett, but they were hired to work under Harry.

“Be right there, thanks, Gabriella”, she said.

“Come on, the meeting’s about to start, we’ll be late. I’ll be right back.” She told Jenna and walked towards her cabin.

When Y/N came out of her cabin with her laptop and notes for presenting her proposal, she saw Gabriella , Fabiola and Aria, talking and giggling together. When she followed their line of sight, she saw Harry walking towards them with a wide grin. He looked at Y/N and winked, walking towards them. “Hey ladies, had a good weekend?”

They were gawking at him. She glared at him and walked towards Jenna.

“They are literally eye-fucking him. And who does he think he is, flirting with them like that?, ” Y/N was fuming.

“Let them flirt with him, what’s it to you? Unless….” Jenna laughed.

“ Right. I don’t care. What’s it to me anyway? Come let’s go, the meeting.”


“ In conclusion, the project proposed by Ms. Y/L/N cannot be completed within the timeline given by her. So I ask you to kindly reconsider the proposal.” Harry articulated.

“But, Mr. Tomas, you don’t have to change the whole proposal. I worked so hard for it . One could actually complete it by the deadline if they were to work hard, unlike someone who makes use of all his free time flirting with women.” She deadpanned.

“ Mr. Tomas, I don’t think my love life concerns how I do my work. Now does it, Ms. Y/L/N? ” Harry was irritated.

“ Neither does mine, what gives you the idea that you can meddle in my life, Mr. Styles?” He was being a jerk and she wasn’t having it.

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