Part 9

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Chapter 9

Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader

Word count: 7.1 k

Warnings: Smut

A/n: Posting at last 😭 Uni is so frickin stressful like wtffff. Anywhoo, here's the long chapter we promised. Also, this chapter contains smut. First time writing smut, kinda nervous, don't judge we don't know how it works, okay? 💀🥲 Also, thanking our bsf L for helping with the smut part. Happy reading!


G and M

Y/n knew she acted like a coward, running from them was a bad move but at this point she couldn’t care less.She walked towards the washroom and saw Fabiola coming after her, as to check what she was doing, so Y/N changed her direction towards her cabin. After a few moments, she heard footsteps approaching .She knew from the sound itself that it was not Jenna .Maybe Steffin wanted to meet her or something or... She couldn't finish her thoughts because a familiar pair of emerald green eyes came into view .Her eyes lowered, only to come face to face with an ever so familiar lips . Yeah the same lips she tried to kiss a few weeks ago .

She felt so self-conscious all of a sudden .

"Hey Y/N....I noticed you were not in the cafeteria. I saw Jenna and she said you had left a few minutes ago.Um.. are you in some kind of an emergency or something?"

Harry asked with a polite smile.

Y/N cursed herself for being affected by a guy who didn’t even bother to call her beforehand rather than showing up all of a sudden. At least she deserves that much, right? She covered for him in all the project meetings when he was absent.But who was she kidding? She didn’t even bother to contact him and ask if he was okay . She was so caught up in her anger and jealousy that she didn’t even try to call him. All of a sudden, she felt guilty.

“I…Uhh…No I am not in an emergency… I mean I am ….ughh… What am I doing ? Sorry about the rambling.I kind of am busy but it’s not that much of an emergency to worry about. Shit… you get the point”, she sighed.

This was why she hated Harry , he made her so nervous that her brain shut down when he was in like 10 meter radius. Harry awkwardly glanced at his hands which was rare for him because he always projected confidence.Y/N thought it was because of their awkward about-to-kiss encounter. Y/N blamed it on herself for making things uncomfortable that day.But what she did not know was that Harry had blamed it on him .

“Yeah, I got it, ” Harry said, his face devoid of any emotion .“ She knew she didn’t have the right to feel hurt but she felt a pang in her heart when Harry talked to her like a stranger. As if sensing her thoughts, he quickly asked, "How’s everything going ,Y/N? I know I bailed on you at the last moment, even though it wasn’t planned…I really am sorry…” He apologized to her like he meant it .His words with so much emotion overwhelmed her.But it didn’t feel like he was apologizing for the project .

“Oh ….no need to apologize for something that isn’t in your control .It was an accident and there was nothing you could do to prevent it.So there is nothing to apologize for .I know you well enough to know that you’re not the kind of guy who tricks people into doing your work. If anything, you’re sincere and dedicated towards your job ….maybe a little too dedicated”.She added the last part to lighten up the mood.

Harry’s heart fluttered on hearing her words.He stared at her with so much adoration in his eyes and she felt like she didn’t know how to breathe. Breathing is actually too overrated. Who even wants to breathe when Harry Edwards Styles is looking straight into your eyes like he was trying to figure out how to solve the hardest puzzle in his life, like your face holds all the answers for his years and years of quest ?. Suddenly she became aware of another person’s presence in that room .She turns around only to find a tall female figure in her office door - that woman he came with. She had a donut bag in her hand. Y/N was surprised to find that it was from her favorite shop .Maybe Ms-hot-girlfriend liked the place as well . She entered the office without much warning.Handing the donut bag to Harry, she engulfed Y/n in a bone crushing hug.Y/n was caught off-guard by the sudden hug .

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