Part 7

184 0 1

Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader

Word count: 2.5 k

Warnings: Coarse language.

A/n : Hey everyone, as promised, Here’s the next chapter. Enjoyy!!!


G and M

Y/N was nervous and excited at the same time. Nervous because she was going to see Harry, excited, also because she was going to see Harry. Was he okay? Even though Steffin told her that he was okay and that he just needed to rest, she couldn’t believe him until she saw Harry with her own two eyes.

She reached home and took a shower. After making herself some food, she decided to get ready. She couldn’t even decide what to wear, her thoughts revolved around one arrogant jerk named Harry Styles. After an hour of searching for clothes, she finally decided on an olive dress. Not too formal, not that casual either. She wore beige sandals with it and finished off her look with some lip gloss and some mascara.

She took her clutch, took her phone out and texted Daniel that she won’t be there, if he decided to drop by. She was trying to read a book when she saw Steffin’s car. She locked the apartment and went outside. Steffin, on seeing her, got out and opened the door for her. She thanked him and got in and saw his father, Mr Tomas in the car. He smiled at her kindly.

Kenneth Tomas, Steffin’s father, was living a retired life in the suburbs. He was in his early sixties, with a salt and pepper mustache and beard.

“Good evening Sir.” She greeted him.

“Good evening, Y/N, it’s been a while, how have you been?” He beamed at her.

“I’m good, Sir. Everything is going great. How are you?”

“I’m fine. I heard that you were promoted?”

“Yes, I’m really grateful .

“Steffin told me that you’re one of the best employees in the company. I’m proud of you, my dear.”

“Thank you Sir.” She turned to Steffin, “Thank you Mr. Tomas”.

“Oh, Y/N, call me Steffin, you’re not my employee right now, we’re just friends, aren’t we?”

“Um.. Okay.. Mr, I mean Steffin” She said and he chuckled.

“So, let’s get going then, shall we?” asked Mr. Tomas.

“Yeah, sure, it’s only a few blocks away from here. We’ll be there in half an hour.” Steffin said and started the car.

During the journey, Y/N found herself zoning out. She was thinking about Harry. He was kind enough to bring her home and take care of her after she passed out, he was kind enough to prepare breakfast for her in the morning. She felt guilty for not checking up on him when he was absent for almost a week and assuming the worst when in reality, he was innocent.

She could have called him, but she let her ego get in the way.


She was startled when the vehicle came to an abrupt halt in a familiar yard. Harry’s house. She remembered coming there once, at his promotion party.

She still remembers his house very clearly. They all got out of the car, Steffin had opened the door once again for her. Mr Tomas knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

The door swung open to reveal a very enthusiastic Anne, and she looked so happy to see them.

“Oh, what a pleasant surprise”, she said.

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