Part 8

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Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader

Word count: 3.3 k

Warnings: Coarse language

A/N: Hey everyone, we know it’s been a while since we posted. We were swamped with exams and all that. Here’s part 8, enjoyyyy.


G and M
She couldn’t process what just happened. She was ready to kiss Harry, to devour those plump lips. Yes, Harry, the same Harry who she was sure hated her with a passion . At least until a few minutes ago. He leaned towards her, didn’t he? She hated him as well, right? Right? Right. But that’s not the point here. The point is that she liked how close they were, how her heart raced at the thought of him kissing her. She thought about his lips again, imagining them pinker and swollen after him kissing her over and over again. His hands around her throat…

That’s when she knew she was fucked. She was beyond confused, she couldn’t wrap her head around what happened and how they ended up in such an awkward situation.

Would she be able to look him in the eyes after this?

She was being delusional for thinking that Harry would ever make a move on her. She was so not his type. But she found herself hoping that she was wrong and maybe, just maybe, Harry wanted something more from her.

She sort of jumped in her seat when someone touched her shoulder. Steffin. They were sitting at the dining table. Anne had made them a delicious dinner but she hadn’t touched it yet.

“Are you okay, Y/N?” , his eyes full of concern, “You look… upset?” He carefully chose his words.

“I was just about to ask the same, are you okay, dear. Is everything fine?” Anne backed the question.

“Yeah, yeah, everything’s okay. I was just… just um waiting for the soup to just cool down a bit.” It was the first thing that came to her mind and everyone seemed to buy that, except for Mr. Tomas. The old man just looked at her for a few more seconds with somewhat between a smile and a smirk tugging on his lips.

God…Is he insinuating that there’s something inappropriate going on between her and Harry?  Who are you kidding, Y/N? Didn’t YOU think it was appropriate at the moment?

For Y/N, that’s when reality sunk in. He looked mortified when she pulled back. He would probably hate her after this. Hell, he hated her way before this, but this could make him hate her more and for some strange reason, she found herself hurt by the idea. Did  she like him? Like like him? 

The dinner went pretty well except for the occasional awkward glances whenever someone mentioned his name, which happened way too many times, it was his own home for Pete’s sake.

Harry stayed in his room all throughout dinner. She was thankful that he did so that she would not have to acknowledge their awkward encounter. But she knew that she had messed up badly. She had made him uncomfortable at his own home.

After dinner, they were getting ready to leave. Everyone went to Harry’s room to say their goodbyes but Y/N could not bring herself to go in there and face him. Not just yet. She knew she should owe him an apology but she couldn’t do it now. So she just stood at the door while everyone else went inside.

“We were just about to leave, mate, take care, I’ll swing by later.” Steffin patted him on the shoulder.

“Get well soon, m’boy,don’t give your mum trouble and take care of yourself, will you? And file that complaint at the earliest, okay? I’ll be going back home in a couple of days. Well then, see you.” Harry nodded and agreed to every word Mr. Tomas was saying.

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