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"You soothe me, you hold it down with every word you speak"

Alex's POV
"Ally! Ally open the door!" I tried wiping my face but I couldn't stop the tears from falling from my face. I heard the door knob jiggle again but I didn't bother moving towards the door. "Tom just go away" I heard his footsteps retreating and even though I told him to leave it hurt knowing he just left like that.

I curled into a ball on the bathroom floor and continued crying. The troll was right, I ruin peoples lives and my own parents don't even want me! My dad left when I was 8 and my mom hardly talks to me because she's always traveling with her different boyfriends. I wasn't lovable and I definitely was worth being loved.

I heard a loud crash and when I looked up the door knob was on the floor and then Tom walked through holding the outside door knob and a screw driver "you wouldn't unlock the door so I unlocked it" I laughed humorlessly ad Tom got on the floor with me. He held me I'm his arms and I cried onto his shoulder.

"They don't know you Ally! Not like I do, you're not selfish and from what I see your parents especially your dad is missing out because you are amazing Alex!" I looked up at him and he wiped my face "fuck that troll!" I laughed and he kissed my forehead "I love you Alex".

We made eye contact and he kissed my lips "who cares if your parents aren't here it's just less fake people in your life! You know you loves you and you know who doesn't. I love you Alex and I don't care what anyone especially a troll says!" I let him hold me and I smiled before kissing his forearm.

"What would I do without you?" He kissed the top of my head "you would probably got to therapy four times a week rather than two" I laughed "perhaps we should take a break from social media?" I nodded into his shoulder "Tommy?" "Yes Ally?" I smiled happily my eyes burning from the old tears "never shut up, I love your accent" he laughed "I love your childish voice".

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