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"Boy are you ready for your surprise?"

Alex's POV
"What is it was just a faulty test and I'm not really pregnant?" I started pacing in the private waiting room and Zendaya grabbed my hands while Harley hugged me from behind "it's going to be alright I promise" I sighed and Harley kissed my head just as the doctor called my name.

"Alexia Holland?" They let me go and I walked away "aren't y'all coming?" They shook their head no "we're here to buy you lots of milkshakes after the appointment" Harley said and Zendaya worriedly finished "ugh no matter what the outcome is" I smiled and walked with the doctor. "How are you doing?" "I'm ok just throwing up a lot in the morning" she chuckled "no I meant like how are you not how's the pregnancy".

"Oh well I'm ok trying to do better you know" she gave me a small smile before having me step on the scale "alright you are 49 kilograms" I looked down at my socks awkwardly "so ugh what does that mean?" "You weigh 110 pounds" I nodded "well at least I know I gained 11 pounds" "you are 5'3" I sighed "yikes".

I followed her into the room and laid down on the bed. She listened to my heart for a while before checking my stomach "well I do hear a heartbeat, would you feel more comfortable if I did an ultrasound?" I nodded "yes please" I spoke softly still to scared to be hopeful.

She got ready and then grabbed something lifting up my shirt "this is going to be really cold" I nodded and then felt the cold gel on my belly. I shivered a little and then waited. "Do you know how far along you are?" I closed my eyes and thought "about a month and a half" she nodded "well that's still a little early to see an actual baby but there is a fetus in there".

I sighed and she grabbed my hand "wanna tell me what really bothering you Mrs. Holland?" I opened my eyes my vision blurred and then I realized I was crying "I'm scared. I never had good parents and i keep think about all the ways I could mess this kid up, not to mention the fact that Tom and I don't have luck on our side and the hate my mental health it's all to much".

She squeezed my hand and I let the tears fall "you are definitely going to mess up but that's the job. It's all trial and error now I know you're an actress but it looks like your body hasn't changed much with the pregnancy so if you wear baggy clothes I don't think your career should be affected at least for now" I nodded and she cleaned my belly.

"Everything is going to work out just fine" I smiled at her and left the room cleaning my face. "I pulled my phone out and FaceTimed Tom.

"How was it?" Tom was laying down on a couch with Jacob next to him "well I am pregnant just the baby isn't growing fast" he furrowed his brows "is, is that bad?" I shrugged "we won't know yet since it's still to early" I finally reached Zendaya and Harley. "I wish I could be there with you" I smiled "nah you're making money and I'm a stay at home mom" he laughed "are you at least working on music with all your new found freedom?" "I actually have I'll send it to you when I get home" "alright I love you Ally kiss our fur babies for me" I smiled "I love you more Tommy" we hung up and I grabbed my friend's hands.

"Let's go get those milkshakes" they nodded and we left the hospital.

"Let's go get those milkshakes" they nodded and we left the hospital

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