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"I'd love to see me from your point of view"

Alex's POV
"Breathe in breathe out, breathe in breathe out, bre— "stop please!" I opened my eyes to see Harley looking at me stressedly. "Alright Alex now let's get you into your dress" I nodded and nervously followed Harley. Tom and I thought it would be best if waited to tell people we're pregnant because we didn't want them to think this was a shotgun wedding.

Zendaya walked in with Lizzie both holding drinks. "Alright we've got alcohol for the bride because you can't be stressed" Lizzie smiled at me before the three of them downed their's while I just stared at mine. "Alex what's wrong?" I sighed looked up at them.

These girls were my best friends so it's only fitting I tell them "guys I'm pregnant" the room went silent before Harley squealed "aww I'm so happy for you guys" she hugged me and kissed my cheek. Zendaya and Lizzie reassured me that they were happy just shocked.

"Guys is this a mistake? I mean I just turned 24 and Tom is only 25" Zendaya wrapped her arms around me "if anyone couple is capable it's you two" I smiled "hey where's the rest of my bridesmaids?" Lizzie kissed my forehead "I told them to wait downstairs so I could come see you alone. Anyways I'm gonna go I'll see you down there and don't worry, everything is going to work out".

Harley and Zendaya smiled at me before helping me into my dress. "This is going to be one of the last times I'm gonna have a tiny belly for awhile" Harley let the dress go and bent down to kiss my tummy leaving a red lip mark "know that you are loved baby Holland" We finished putting the dress on and then they moved onto my hair.


There was a knock on the door and I opened it to see Robert standing there "hey kid" I smiled and hugged him "hey" he kissed my cheek and I let him hold me in the doorway for a little while longer. "I hope I'm not overstepping but I was wondering if you'd allow me to walk you down the aisle" I could practically feel my eyes light up.

I don't remember my dad much and most of my family stayed in Italy so I don't know them much either. "It would mean the world to me" he smiled and held out his arm "you're an amazing woman you know that. Despite all that you've been through you're still allowing yourself to be loved and you're very bright, kid I'm sorry your parents aren't smart enough to see that" I rested my head on RDJ's shoulder as we walked "well I'm glad I have you".

Here Comes the Bride started playing on the piano and all my nerves returned. Even though baby Holland was barely an organism I almost convinced myself that they kicked. Breathe in, breathe out. I looked up and at the end of the hall was Tom. He looked very handsome in his suit, handsome enough to make my breath hitch.

His hair had grown out during quarantine and it was now gelled down. Tom took this seriously, he did his hair, wore a suit, actually stopped joking around and helped me pull this wedding together. We were ready to have this family even if we were just babies ourselves.

He and I would fail or succeed together and that's all that matters. We now stood face to face and I waited as the pastor said all the boring stuff. "I believe the bride and groom have prepared vows" I gave Tom a look and he winked at me.

"We didn't prepare but that's ok because winging things is what we're good at" I smiled at him my heart slightly melting "I can start since I know you're nervous Ally" the small crowd filled with our friends and his family chuckled slightly.

"If someone told me 4 years ago that I would be standing here marring you I would believe them. I know it's cheesy but when I first met you I know instantly that I wanted you in my life, you had have this light about you and it's intoxicating. We've been through a lot together these past 4 years but I wouldn't change a thing because it all led to this very moment. Alexia Valentino I can't promise that we'll never fight or get annoyed at one another but I can promise you that as long as we're together I will fight everyday to keep that beautiful smile on your face because you mean the world to me" I felt my eyes prick and I looked up at the ceiling.

"Damn you Holland, you're so good at speeches and all I can do is cry when you give them" everyone laughed and I finally looked back at Tom meeting his gaze.

"I know that I am not the easiest girl to be with but I just want to thank you for sticking around. I don't know where we'll be in 10 years but I imagine we'll still be here at Montecito with our three kids, but even if it's just us in 10 years I'll be happy with that because wherever you are is home. I don't know how managed to steal my heart in 4 short years but you did and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. I know you'll be a great husband and an even greater father to baby Holland..." they all gasped and I grabbed Tom's hands.

"I'm scared like I am scared out of my fucking mind but I am so glad I have you because you always know just how to calm my storms. I love you for so many reasons and I can't wait to be your wife".

Tom squeezed my hand for support and I squeezed back. The pastor continued to talk but I could no longer hear him as I stared straight into Tom's eyes. "You may now kiss the bride". Tom smiled and I laughed as we leaned in.

He pulled me close to him picking me up slightly spinning me around as they all cheered. "I love you Mrs. Holland" I rolled my eyes "umm who said I was taking your last name?" He looked embarrassed for a second "oh umm I— "of course I'm taking you're last name you idiot! Now kiss me again, Mr. Holland" "don't mind if I do, Mrs. Holland".

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